Mr. Bevan Costello (Uncle Bevan Costello) dead after 2nd jab shot

All they had to do was stay quite and outlast the jabbed
not fucking demand the goverment intervene and come 'help' them to keep them 'safe'

Finally the goverment came up a method to mass murder abos
and the stupid abos are asking for it

#Abo #Australia #goverment #Agenda21 #jab #posion #immunesystem #PLANDEMIC

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

Why can't people see this? People are dropping like flies, as well as being altered, and yet, WE'RE the stupid ones! Unbelievable.

charlie brownau
2 years ago

Like I keep saying - Assume everyone is FUCKING STUPID and BRAINWASHED

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

@CharlieBrownAU Fair enough