The Q JEW PSYOP worked perfectly distracting gullible GOYIM who thought they could outJEW the JEWS using Gematria.
The KIKES at UNIT 8200 have been laughing their asses off. Now they can sit back and watch as the dumb goyim are exterminated by the JEW DEATH shots and ZOG security forces. Should have been organizing and training but NO you were SMARTER than everyone else. The orange messiah will fix everything they thought. Trump hates stupid GOYIM. Now Trump will have his nice place in the Maldives paid for by Jacob Rothschild while you eat bug powder until you die.


Anonymous 1611175702
4 years ago

very sad

Well, I gotta hand it to Trump. He sure is cool under pressure.
He ran a brilliant campaign, won by the biggest landslide in history and then had the election stolen and it didn't even phase him. Wow!
You know most men in his situation might have been riled. Riled enough to even have the U.S. Marshals or FBI arrest the perpetrators of the fraud. Lesser men might have used the U.S. Military or even activated the multi million man militia to correct the stolen election. But no, not Donald Trump. When they go low, he goes away.
Why would Trump want to stoop to their level and give them the satisfaction of knowing they got his goat?
"Don't sweat the small things in life. They're all small things," the saying goes. Well, Trump sure did not sweat having the election stolen and the country surrendered to communism.
And that is BECAUSE Trump was IN ON THIS from the beginning. Trump IS and ALWAYS WAS THE SWAMP. And now YOU the American bag holders will see that the orange messiah you worshiped is a FRAUD.

Armchair Economist
4 years ago

He is calm under pressure. Best president since FDR

Rodrigo Sevilla
4 years ago

Two of the greatest TRAITORS to ever hold the office of President. Enjoy communism.

Anonymous 1611175702
4 years ago

amen bless you trump

The KIKES want white genocide in the USA now. This reminds me of that little dog in Australia that kept barking at a 14 ft Crocodile when it would come out of the water. This went on for years until one day the dog got too close and the crocodile snapped it up and slid back in the water. Keep barking KIKES.

charlie brownau
4 years ago

They want whites killed in all White homelands on EU and western nations

In Italy 50,000 restaurants decided to open at the exact same time.
No masks. No bullshit.
The government has given up within 24 hours - and officially removed all restrictions.

The italians are proving what you should already know...
This bullshit only ends when people stop tolerating it.
The government is destroying your life and saying its to "Keep you safe"
Safe from what? Income? Family? Joy?

Wake up.

ANTIFA was created by GERMAN COMMUNIST JEWS in the 1920's Their core cadre today are JEWS as were the Bolsheviks in Russia. Recommended Reading- Gulag Archipelago or Two Hundred Years Together by Solzhenitzyn

charlie brownau
4 years ago

No such thing as german jews, they are JEWISH people in Germany

Antifa/BLM are under the control of the FBI/DHS/MOSSAD. They are tools of the STATE used to create the PURPLE REVOLUTION transitioning the USA to a globalist communist vassal state. STUDY OPERATION GLADIO.