I came down with a cold two days ago, which is something that usually happens to me once a year. I'm just about over it, and I will be getting back to content creation today.
I came down with a cold two days ago, which is something that usually happens to me once a year. I'm just about over it, and I will be getting back to content creation today.
A real tragedy for that family.
My laptop has returned from the grave! Once i finish reinstalling the software I need, I'll be back writing books and making videos.
Hey TTR 13 can't you use a Dictaphone to do your books
I probably could, but I'm old-fashioned.
3 years ago
Rest, Water, Fast then soup
3 years ago
When I had the flu a few weeks ago, I took some steroid and ivermectin, I'm glad to hear you're good now!