WHILE NOT ENTIRELY Biblically Accurate, this teaching is close enough on the K-Pc’s most overpromoted perver$ion. Very few of religion’s ministers would touch this with a 20-foot pole! *TRIGGER WARNING to LefTARD$*
#ComeOUTofHerMYpeople #KHAZARpapi$tCabalLIE$called

charlie brownau
3 years ago

It all seems to be from mental illness and genes that lead to mentally ill , its not "NATURAL", its not good and it shouldnt be promoted .... If anything we need to segerate gays/intersex/etc into their own town, away from the normal straights

YOU SIMPLY CAN’T Make This Bagel-munching bol$hevik bull$#!+ up!
#muh$ociali$ticINJU$TICE #FAKEjew$ #theyDi$tortUGetLIE$ #FairlyUNBALANCED #((($oyVEY)))

charlie brownau
3 years ago

This MRA guy is a JEW and he had zionism symbols on his website

charlie brownau
3 years ago

MRA is a zionist controlled group, this is why PUA and MRA's hate MGTOW , MGTOW has no group, funding or power, its only got the truth and often it leads to rejection of goverment and the broken corrupt system

PERVER$ITY Is N0t $trength, that’s why the Whore of Babylon & the $INagogue of $atan that owns it, promote it!
#veldt$chtaat #Revelation2:9,3:9,17&18 #QUEERINGtheWest


CONSTITUTION & SCOTUS Say You have a right to protect yourself...good fkn luck being permitted to do it in the Khazar Empire $chtaat without bribes or political connections!



charlie brownau
3 years ago

Can you have GOD and REGION and GOVERMENT, its two systems

A REPUBLIC, N0t a KHAZARi$tocracy