IF THIS IS TRUE, And Mounting Evidence Suggests it definitely is, we literally DO Become what we think about


(((THEY))) Are Already muzzling you via Big Tech & moving anti-white racist ha$bara disguised as soft drink ads, now Bloomberg’$ gun Nazi$ want your goy ass disarmed
#communi$t$en$eGoyCONtrol #FAKEjew$ #theyDI$TORTuGetLIE$

charlie brownau
3 years ago

No ones ever been able to explain why its LEGAL for goverment to remove rights and face zero accountablity

charlie brownau
3 years ago



GUN-NAZI$ In Congress going apeshit against 2A...details here #common$en$eGOYcontrol #Giving1%100%power

There really is no such thing as atheism, just those who worship their booze, dope or perversion habit instead of God. Some religious people call it a religion, which is like calling CLEAR a color.

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Disagree ,theirs TRUTH and freedom, then you have Goverment and Region

Will it take a SCOTUS ruling, act of Congress or Federal Law of some kind to make it so companies don’t send you a bill unless you owe them money?

#PLEASEpay$0.00 #AgeFxplainnTheObvious

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Goverment is slavery (left + Centre + right)

Perhaps (((they’ll))) publish a New$peak Version in the future, politically corrected so as not to offend the perverted?
#BookBurning2021 #DoublePlusUngood


IT’S A GLORIOUS Thing When People break out of “PO$ITIVE!!!” DENIALISM & face reality...it’s a shame it took a media circus to wake someone this smart out of their own little matrix dreamworld
#OfFallenBlinder$ #theNOT-SEEparty #FAKEalityTV


charlie brownau
3 years ago

Checked out the blog, rather milktoast and weak responce

WITHOUT FAKE MONYA/Monya Preentah go WHIRRR, communi$t $ubver$ion implodes! Stefan Molyneux clarifies
