GYNOCENTRIC SPIRITUALISM (aka Earth/Bitch-Worship) whether Papi$t or Globali$t, makes men weak, then whines about the consequences

EGALITARIANI$M Must, By Its Very nature equalize DOWN, Not Up:
None are encouraged to better themselves.
Self-growth & achievement are “RACIST/SEXIST/PERVERTPHOBIC/NEGATIVE DIVISIVE/Place Globali$t Khazar communist false accusation du-jour here”

Do YOU still subscribe to the Brain-dead “IT’LL NEVER HAPPEN HERE!!!” Burn-out boomerosophy?
If so, why is it so hard to believe that THE SAME PARTY That started a civil war to defend slavery is starting another to reimpose it??

#FacingReality #0urKHAZARi$tocracy

PARA$ITE$ COPY EACHOTHER. If You Live In a lefti$t $#!+hole like the Khazar Empire $chtaat - even if you don’t - your local micro & mini-$talin$ might try to mirror Comrade Biden‘$ power-grab

#0urKHAZARi$tocracy GoyCONtrol

Someone has ENTIRELY Too Much Time on their hands!

NOT FELATING LEFTI$T$, And Blessed That Tomorrow Is Pentecost, as there is so much more & better to do than waste time on this diseased dreck

#PERVER$ITYisN0tStrength #BIRTHofTheChurch #Acts2:1-4 #$PORT$ballIsFakeANDgay

GOY CONtrol realities Americans must face:
1.More MK-Ultra/mo$$ad wind-up boy$ will be attacking
2.Form 4473 IS a Firearm Registry
3.Papi$t puppet Biden is a fully owned $ub$idiary of #jW0
4.If bribed enough, GeOPapi$t$ WILL $ell U.$. out
5.It’s rock-check time-do we have the freaking stones to do what’s right?

EVERYTHING That Made America Great is being replaced with FAKEianity: A hokey, God-free religion where all is done to look good so we can keep borrowing instead of working.

#KHAZARolatry #UN-$u$tainable