THERE IS NO REAL CONFLICT When Both Sides worship the same Earth/bitch…gynocentric spiritualism is what it is!

Zealous Zoomer
3 years ago

I wouldn't be surprised if Putin got conspired against to lose his status. Trump and Netanyahu were both ousted last year, and Russia has one of the toughest leaders in the world.

IF YOU KNEW What Your “Leaders” & (((those who own them))) did in their spare time, you would never buy another movie, vote for, bank or shop with them again.

OUTRAGEOUSLY HILARIOUS…If We Were out of St. Paul/Minneapolis area, we might even say it’s A RIOT

TED CRUZ Can’t Grok The Umbrella Issue is government indoctrination, compared to which “WHITIE BE ALWAY MUHFUH PICKIN’ AWN ME!!!” CON-$piracy theory is a BB in a boxcar!

For all the knuckle-dragging boomer di$pen$ationali$t$ whose three-God/Earth-bitch kept driving them to autistically screech “WHA-HAINT ALL YALL MARRIED!? YA QUEER OR SUMPTHIN’!?” at younger people with common sense:

CUTTING TO THE CHASE, If You’re (((OMFR))) Like Gate$, $oro$ or Bezo$ and can easily take the hit you’re 80% likely to incur, get married tomorrow…For the rest of you, PLEASE Get Realistic & spare yourselves a massive fustercluck!

TICKET PUNCHED: Eventually The Bill Arrives for those grandiose 6 & 7 figure salaries K-Pc members get for lying
#mediaWHORE$ #E$tabli$hmentPre$$ #0utOnTheir@$$