Her choice to make the power grab…YOUR CHOICE To Capitulate like a gamma, or call her bull$#!+ or dump.
#TheENDofTheInnocence #PASSonThe$#!+Test

DAMN, DON’T (((THEY))) $QUALK A Good Game…too bad the record shows that, at the end of the day, they drop the hat, run back to the KHAZARocRAT$ & push puppet$ like Biden into power
#FAL$Etricotomy #(((Liberaltarian$))) #jeWeldt0dor #$qualkingThruTheyaYamulkah

OTHER THAN FELLOW TRAVELERS Who Put Biden In Office, nobody is buying the (((E$tabli$hment Pre$$))) ha$bara about Ukraine’s equally-fake Puppedent.
#1stCasualtyIsALWAYStruth #veldt$chtaat


YOU CAN REST ASSURED The ZIOmedia Will say little-to-nothing about this, it will be swept under the rug & nothing will be done about it.
The first thing to look for when police-actions break out is the story (((they))) don’t want you to hear!

FOUR THINGS To Consider before supporting a gun lobby:
#2AallTheWAY #GOYcontrol

THE BEST CARTOON Series For Introducing young people to the toxic effect gynocentric spiritualism has on normal (heterosexual) relations - I.e: femin$TA$Ii$m
#hypergamouse #earth/bitch-worship


REVELATION 8:7-13 Is Just One of the reasons that, in the event of an actual, Biblical-scale apocalypse, your bug-out-bag & AR-15 won’t be worth a good healthy $#!+, folks!
#over&0UT #D-U-N-DONE #TheAlmightyFINGER

BECAUSE WORLDLY GOVERNMENT Is An Usurpation Of Rightful, Divine Authority, one Will NEVER Find one on the face of the earth that is not bent on expansion of its illegitimate authority by any means it can.