EMPTY SUIT 2024: Wherein Donny MARK$ himself waaaaay down by Trump-eting the vaxx
#EXpre$ident$tump #TickeTaker$


LIVE IN A LEFTARD $HITty? This Info Could save your life!

THERE IS NO “One True Religion”, because all religion is man-made/devil-spirit engendered for political, financial &/ propaganda purposes - this is Just ONE Example:
#di$pen$ationalDECEIT #IffithItBeeithThyWillith0lordith #fatali$m=$PIRITUALI$M

(((BIDEN REGIME’$ OWNER$))) Pushing $CAMdemic Excuse for more 4th Amendment violations


NOBODY WON The Cold War, other than 70,000 Communists who came to America as “jewI$H refugees” after Reagan left office


“TUX” LA PIERRE, The Typical Boomer Leech! If you’re still with NRA, it’s PAST Time to dump it & join Gun Owners of America