WHAT WE CAN LEARN From WW2 Spain, assuming we want to, is that CUCK$ervative$ like BITCH McCONnel have always been The WEAKE$T Link
Just let Russia and Ukraine deal with it themselves. That's none of our business.
Makes too much sense, besides: How will (((globali$t banKHAZAR$))) PROFITEER without ANOTHER Meaningless police-action involving U.$?
#MTMFS #FAL$Eprofit$
A FEW IDEAS On What To Do after the (((athei$t, communi$t & lefti$t)))-ruined citie$ have been burned & looted by the turd-worlder$ (((they))) imported:
#RECOVERINGfromGlobali$m #POSTveldt$chtaat
AMAZING WHAT’S POSSIBLE When A Nation’s Leaders care more about the health & functionality of their nation than appeasing the greed of (((globali$t bank$taz)))!