CHINA Gradually Purging Itself of globali$t Ko$$ack$ & their Papi$t jackboot-lickers?

Zealous Zoomer
3 years ago

Chinese are globalists 🇨🇳🪝🔨

So China has become just like USA then, right Charlie?

TARRED BANK LINE Or ‘Tard Bankline…your call: Cheapest isn’t always best!


Oh yeah, BTW: Would the gamma that’s going to autistically screech about Brian being “A ZIONI$T!!!” Please shove it before you do? That’s not the point, and more than likely your flat-earther @$$ wouldn’t last 5 seconds in the bush…THANK YOU 4 UNDERSTANDING!

THE BIG PICTURE: Any Sensible Person knows the geo-religiopolitical network is vast…Beyond that knowledge are the dark eternal forces giving that net its ever-growing legions of UEMF$ & slaves!

POSSIBLY The Most Important Info we can post on emergency prep:


charlie brownau
3 years ago

He is non white and mixed and has loud annoying music over talking

If you do what he says, it could save your willfully ignorant, Naziism-blinded life, though…there’s always that!

EGALITARIANI$M IS A ((($ociali$t))) CONstruct:
(“Equality”/Equity) Means Institutionalized racism Against White People ( Red Ice TV)

- JoshwhoTV -


Egalitarianism (Equality + Equity) Means Institutional 'Racism' Against White People ( Red Ice TV)
- JoshwhoTV -

SECOND BEST ARGUMENT Ever Heard against the Papi$t here$y of three-god-initariani$m - the first of course is the Word of God!