DI$$ENTION IN THE UEMF RANK$? Mu$k Blow$ Up globali$t pedo $ociety#UNfuckYour$elve$voxday.net/2021/11/03/protecting-the-pedos/https://en-volve.com/2021/11/01/elon-musk-exposes-massive-pedophile-ring-run-by-un-officials-who-forced-children-to-give-oral-sex-for-food-media-silent/

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Usefull idiot will lose his sheckles

Iā€Americaā€™s Most Famous Welfare Recipientā€ will likely end up like either John Lennon or Bernie Madoff once he has expended his usefulness.


charlie brownau
3 years ago

Paul E is a jewish zionist

1.You keep saying that and not proving it, which doesnā€™t bode well for your credibility..
2.I donā€™t send YouTuber$ money.

Old & RIGHT: The best of the 7 MARTIN LUTHER movies ever made!



Zealous Zoomer
3 years ago

Amen. This is what Russian president Putin was talking about: the West's love for mass migration and diversity is actually causing a decline in Christians. This is a problem, and it can only be solved by converting people, and sending the illegals back to their homesteads.

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Yet Kike Putin is replacing Whites with ISLAMIFCATION in Russia