YA CAN JUST Hear Some Dumblond/fakeRedHead fat chick right now, pointing & $hriking about “PATRIARCHY!!!”
(((GLOBALI$T KHAZARI$TOCRACY.ORG$))) To Dump hundreds of thousands of Haitian migrants in Mexico…guess where they’re heading?
Civnat cucks = Anyone can be AMerICAN
KUDOS TO PAUL ELAM For Calling Out one of the most dangerous lies of gynocentric spiritualism propounded in Western Civilisation TODAY:
Paul is a zionist JEW
So is Tom Feykis, but you have no qualms about publishing HIS bull$#!+, we noticed.
Physician, heal THYSELF
(((AREV RAV))) PRE$$ That $elected Biden-Harri$ regime suppressing Vote FRAUD Evidence
#Globali$tHA$BARA #0urKHAZARi$tocracy #PUT$CH2020
THE (((AREV RAV))) Ruling Cla$$’$ beloved dogma of multiCULTurali$m is working as well as can be expected across the pond: