FOLY HUCK, Is This Ever HOT, Clones!As in keep in store to replace the sun when it goes out, cause it’ll probably be even hotter then!

THIS IS A SALES PITCH, But Even A Broken Clock is right twice a day…

THE $INAGOGUE OF $ATAN’$ Liar$ Are In Haiti now, promising phat gimmes & freebies at your expense to anyone who’ll hop in a boat & float here:

THE MARK OF GENUINE SPIRITUALITY Is The Enthusiastic willingness with which a person loves God and loves their neighbor as themselves - it puts them in the lead!

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Do you need organised region to be sprital

No, you just need to rightly divide the Word of God thru Biblical research and the willing ability to believe it.

VIRGINIANS Watch Your Backs: the Bloomkike Bribe Machine is fired up to steal your votes & state.
#GoyCONtrol #2AallTheWAY

ICOM: It stands for “I Can Only Monitor”…


A necessary statement to make from time to time - ESPECIALLY These days of universal deceit wherein telling the truth has become a revolutionary act:

THIS is what (((they))) want to “Build Back Better”:

#GitRIDaufZeGOYIM #Veldt$chtaat

COMMON SENSE IN BUREAUCRACY - Sounds Crazy, but it has actually happened!
#CoronaHOAX #$CAMdemic