$CAMdemic: The Bull$#!+ deepens!


THIS is Equality & Progre$$?! How about kicking the Ko$$ack$ & (((their))) war-mongering Papi$t toadies out, then we won’t need a freaking draft!


charlie brownau
3 years ago

It needs to worse, goyim are still too stupid to wake up

“BECAUSE a $lanted, Bia$$ed Pre$$ is E$$ENTIAL to the future of 0ur KHAZARi$tocracy!!!”


charlie brownau
3 years ago

"news' are Propanga for the state

$CAMDEMIC: An Induced economic coma?
#Veldt$chtaat #desperation


POLITICIZING THE FLU: The Numbers - Unlike the Biden Regime - don’t lie…at what point will you say N0 MORE!?



TREASONOUS ACTIONS Are The Proof of a corrupt, incompetent, bought & paid for regime, and we’re N0t talking about Afghanistan!

TREASONOUS ACTIONS Are The Proof of a corrupt, incompetent, bought & paid for regime, and we’re N0t talking about Afghanistan!

A not-so-subtle hint WHY The White Race is losing ground around the world:
#starringBUBBAasJohnnyReb #SingleDigitIQ #HICKhaw!!! #AhGawatzMuhRIIGHTZ #WAAAduzzntAllYall