GEORGE W. BU$H Leaps Irre$i$tably To Mind in this category: sold a new Vietnam War, trillion$ in funny-monya debt and the future of America down the river to the (((globali$t$/banKHAZAR$))), though Comrade Joe is set to surpass him!

FACING THE REALITY That Perver$ity Isn’t Strength, HELLyWEIRD quietly (for its pedo nature) elects to punt
#Kiddediddler,CA #OnBorrowedTime&Monya #theNEXTdonkBailout

(((HYPER-WOKE))) And Going For Broke: Joo Joizy poliTRICK$ter$ in zealous (((owner))) bootlicking frenzy blow both feet off in latest rediculous gun-grab/goy control attempt
#2AallTheWAY #BREAKhazari$tocracy

FORMER KHAZAR EMPIRE Hub Candidate posts warning to United $chtaatz
#0urKHAZARi$tocracy #Empire0fDEBT #WokeANDbroke

GYNOCENTRIC $PIRITUALI$M’$ Toxic Heresies Now threaten military preparedness & national security