KEEP IN MIND THAT N0 Dictatorial, Tyrannical, (((Imperial))) government - overt or covert - has ever been voted out of power
#ā€VOTEā€fromTheHOUSETOPS #AR15forPresident #7.62ballotInitiative #2AallTheWAY

FIFTH CIRCUIT COURT Busts A Cap into online censorship, KHAZARi$tocracy wreeling!


HR 8882: KHAZARi$tocracy Power Grabs donā€™t get anymore flagrant! Retiring RINO knives the Bill of Rights in the back: KILL HR 8882
#2AallTheWAY #GoyCONtrol

BOOMERMOUSE Discovers Arkhaven comics

NOT $ATI$FIED WITH Restarting The Cold War, (((the owner$ of))) the kiddie-diddler in chief threaten China again
#WastingAmericanRe$ource$ #VELDT$CHTAATuberAllez #globohomo

LIKE ANYTHING ELSE (((LIBERTARIAN))) This Video Is Largely Di$tracting, Good-sounding clap-trap, UNLESS America decides to get off its @$$ and make some ZIOmedia heads roll
#BIDENaccountabilityProject #YesWeCAN!!!

UNTESTED, BUT This Self-Powering hottie about the size of a cigar box looks like the best QRP portable for SHTF scenario: