SINCE THE ROMAN CULT Banned Abortion As A trial balloon, will THIS Papi$t a$$ault on free speech be next?
Anyone who FEEEEEELs religion won’t jump on the tyranny bandwagon, given how topheavy it’s getting with femin$TA$I & other perverts, is grossly ignorant of history!
#4MEbutN0t4thee #MUZZLEweilder$

(((GLOBALI$T))) CORPORATE TYRANNY Paying Huge Jack to infringe on your right to self-defense
#2AallTheWAY #GOYconcrol.corp #Veldt$

THE BOONDOGGLE BOAT, Or What Happens When the empire of debt pays off political supporters and disguises it as a military contract (see also Osprey, Project Orion, F-35 etc)

POSTS On This Colonial Federation Network channel are brought to you in part by the Second Amendment - because expecting the Constitution to enforce itself doesn’t freaking work!

(((GLOBALI$T))) BANKING And The Privatization of tyranny:
#GOYcontrol #Register(((COMMUNI$T$)))n0tGuns #2AallTheWAY


BANKHAZAR To Decide If you can buy 2A-related items…looks like class-action suit time to gALTinDaBox!

KO$$ACK-TOPHEAVY ILL-ANNOY Lets Violent Criminals Go scot-free on serious offenses starting next year!
#0urKHAZARi$tocracy #RegisterCOMMUNI$T$notFirearms #2AallTheWAY

“NEVER FORGET” The $INagogue Of $atan did 9-11, has been lying about it for 20+ years & will be regurgitating the official ha$bara again today