ā€œ$ANTA BABYā€ Isnā€™t Just a Chri$tmas jingle, itā€™s what youā€™ll be paying for the rest of your life, thanks to unreali$tic femin$TA$I expectation$ - then thereā€™s divorce because of her ā€œfeeeeeelzā€

#iDONT #RedPill:MARRIAGE #likeAHgotMahRIGHTZyaknow #ValleyGirlExpen$e$ #DADDYnever$aidN0 #KAPbaby

ONLY A CORRUPT Politician Or Government wants to make the people helpless for (((the globali$t$))) that own it


(((THE $INAGOGUE OF $ATANā€™$))) En-LIE-tended, Progre$$ive, ā€œlibertarianā€ FOOLosophy takes another hitā€¦broadside & below the water line.
Decent, practical government protects life, not perver$ion & perver$ity!



#ThaWaaAwnTERI$$M #ALLwar$areBanKHAZAR$war$

GOY CONTROL Can Not Be absolute until (((they))) get rid of 2A, but hereā€™s what youā€™re being conditioned to accept & demand more of:



TOO FKN BAD Nikola Tesla Wasnā€™t A (((bagel-munching Bol$hevik))): The entire e$tabli$hment would be behind his ideas!

#$INagogue0f$ATAN #Earth/bitch-wor$hip0n$TEROID$

THE ARROGANCE AND IGNORANCE Of (((The Funny-Mental-i$t Left))) and other Earth/bitch-wor$hipper$ continues to manifest itself in the most damning ways!
#whitieBeALWAYmuhfuhPICKINawnMe #Ko$$ackJACKBOOTlicker$ #G$BS

(((OLD-MONEY, FILTHY-RICH PROFE$$IONAL VICTIM$))) Have A Common Attitudeā€¦see if you can identify it from this classic vid

#VerkinkEchtFehGOYIM&UZZAmenialz #LAZINE$$of(((lefti$m))) #mo$tEXPEN$IVEvacation