A DIGITAL CHRISTMAS CARD To You And Yours from Colonial Federation Network & Dangling Chad media



ANTI-MALE SEXISM Is The Lie Of Choice…not just in marriage counseling but in the gynocentric spiritualism fabricated FAUX-profe$$ion of psychology in general, and ALL $pirituali$m is political

#(((THEIR)))Khazari$tocracy #0fficialBULL$#!+story

LENGTHY BUT DETAILED LOOK At The Governing Mentality - people like this want you disarmed and muzzled

N0 Allegedly-“Chri$tian” religious.org that fellate$ the KHAZARi$tocracy, propagate$ the Papi$t private interpretation of Romans 13 and is panhandling for (((Ukraine))), Actually IS, Biblically speaking.

THE SECOND AMENDMENT Is Vital Because N0 corrupt, banKHAZAR-Bought gov’t in history has ever been voted out of office.

#Veldt$CHTAAT #(((THEIR)))Khazari$tocracy #2AallTheWAY

RELIGIOUS PEOPLE Questioning Their E$tabli$hment-Owned npc.org denomination’s take on marriage might want to look this epistle over…it could be revealing & thought-provoking!
#TRUTHtrumpsTradition #2ndOpinion


AN HONEST LOOK At What Happens to a society where the Word of God is deliberately replaced with (((gynocentric spiritualism))):

SOMETHING You Won’t Read in the ZIOmedia/hear about from the (((E$tabli$hment Pre$$))):
