Perhaps she’ll get canned by Elon Musk should he fully acquire the platform.

Let’s get this straight: The Biden creature promises a $4 billion relief package to struggling colored farmers.
White struggling farmers sue the Biden creature for racial discrimination because he only promised relief to colored farmers in need.
The funding promised to colored farmers is held up in the courts because of the lawsuit against the Biden creature administration and now the colored farmers are claiming the Biden creature broke his promise of relief funds to them.

My conclusion: The Biden creature should have promised a relief package to all struggling farmers in the first place regardless of the color of their skin or ethnic background.

Their efficacy was debatable anyway and the need for them unnecessary in most cases.

I would say every disease and ailment is made worse by these vaccines not to mention ailments and diseases arising within the vaccinated that were not present within them before.

Fundamentalist Muslims are among the last people whom anyone can expect to be calm about anything that goes against their respective religion and in this case what the LGBT community demands they endorse, their religion forbids.

Why so-called superbugs are actually superwimps.