While it is sadly true that there are some people who are under the delusion of being some sort of animal, I am curious about something:

Do any of you out there think that it is possible that some girls and women supposedly under such delusions may actually be purposely passing themselves off as being under the delusion of being an animal such as a cat or a dog just to drive off all the boys and men whose attention they might not want and who would not be the kind of boys or men they would want?

She may not be a religious conservative, but British Journalist, Louise Perry, has written a book explaining how she believes the sexual revolution has been terrible for women, and just like any religious conservative, she sees the benefits of avoiding sex until marriage and agrees that a strong monogamous marriage is the best environment in which to raise a family. Let us pray that she will also come to experience the benefit of accepting Jesus Christ as her Savior and standing upon the authority of scripture.

And on a final note, Perry tells us that mothers need to be held just as accountable for how they bring up their daughters as fathers are in bringing up their sons and I couldn’t agree with her more on that point:

It is not fair that fathers should be held accountable for how they raise up the children with whom they have been entrusted while letting mothers get a pass. Both need to be equally admonished and held equally accountable because both will be held accountable before God for how they raised up and cared for the children with whom they were entrusted.

“make sure no one can steal an election again”:

I suppose he DID confess to stealing the 2020 presidential election in an off-handed way if you want to call it that, but he will never confess to stealing it directly unless it becomes so apparent that even he knows that he can no longer hide the fact from anyone.

Well, it seems that neither Trump supporters, MAGA, the GOP, nor Christian nationalists are the ones threatening civil war after all.

God may have given us two arms in spite of the fact that there are times when we wish He gave us an extra pair but he never intended for our arms, or any part of our bodies for that matter, to be the recipients of potentially dangerous substances.