If anyone should declare that we take out likes of her for such rhetoric and are then subject to investigation by the FBI and the DOJ, the one question I would like to ask, is this:

What is the difference between her calls to potential violence and the calls of anyone on the right or within the MAGA movement to eliminate the likes of her from society by whatever means necessary?

[It is unlikely that anything will ever happen to Lori Lightfoot for her clear incitement of violence]

27 million Russian soldiers and civilians sacrificed themselves to defeat Hitler and the Nazi regime? I don’t know about the rest of you out there but that number seems too high to be believed. Stalin himself killed at least 20 million of his own people which would bring us to a total of 47 million Russians killed if 27 million of them died at the hands of the Nazis.

It appears that Abbott’s efforts are finally starting to pay off but I am curious as to how this will affect D.C.

I wonder what Obamination intends to do with the Biden creature once he’s either done what he’s needed with him or finds no further use of him.

Good. May the rest of our armed forces follow suit and restore honor and dignity to our armed forces as well as set their sights on military preparedness and combat readiness and no politically correct crap or woke garbage.

Actually, it is nothing new or shocking for any given media corporation, outlet, or publication to take sides on any given matter. Therefore, we shouldn’t at all be surprised that a newspaper would take a side on the abortion/pro-life debate.

Even if protesting outside a private residence is illegal, we can’t expect any charges to be filed against any baby-killers by this current administration.