The 1930s was the hottest decade. It was hotter in the 1930s with far less CO2. Most of the US state temperature records are in the 1930s. Globally it was the hottest decade, according to all the raw temperature data that hasn't been fraudulently manipulated.
If a river is polluted by industrial wastes, do we;
A. Pour in more chemicals to clear it up.
B. Stop the source of the pollution.
#terrain-model #terrain-theory
Good question, yes?
Fake binaries are psychological tricks used to keep people inside a field of view.
For example, consider A and B.
A: SARS-2 came from a wet market.
B: SARS-2 came from a bio-lab.
Both binaries keep recipients inside the idea that SARS-2 is real, but the difference being the origin story.
What is kept away from the recipient is C (which might be that SARS-2 does not exist).
Another example. Consider A and B.
A: Climate change is caused by CO2 emissions.
B: Climate change is caused by geoengineering.
Both binaries keep people inside the idea that climate change is caused by humans. The third one, C, might be that humans don't cause climate change.
Here's Off-Guardian's editor, Kit Knightly, chatting about it: