Part 2 of the "Demonic Influences" storyline. Sting and Lex Luger join forces to take on the combined strength of the Atheists, but something goes wrong...

Here's Realm Radio episode 3, where my guest and friend Tbones and I discuss God, government and vaccines as well as other topics.

Here's Samus from Metroid wrestling Rydia from Final Fantasy IV in the next match of DPHW.

Second DRR episode is up on Corder. Join my friend Guilty04 and I as we discuss comics, gaming and our pets while you check out some Battle Circuit gameplay.

In this episode of FFPR we get the airship and prepare to delve into the ruins of the Castle of Ordeals.

My own created character, Mr. Tanaka takes on Chris Jericho in this singles, one fall match.

Donald Trump and Sgt. Slaughter take on "Sleepy" Joe Biden and Vince "The Shit Man" McMahon in this DPHW tag team match!