Frank Rodriguez (@realfrankrodzm) tweeted: Denying reality prevents changing it. Jesus never denied the opposition of the religious leaders but instead faced them. Jesus never denied Peter's future denial but instead confronted him. He did not deny Judas' betrayal but ordered him to do what he had to do.
Frank Rodriguez (@realfrankrodzm) twitte贸: El negar la realidad impide cambiarla. Jes煤s nunca neg贸 la oposici贸n de los lideres religiosos sin贸 que los enfrent贸. Jes煤s nunca neg贸 la futura negaci贸n de Pedro sin贸 que lo confront贸. No neg贸 la traici贸n de Judas sin贸 le orden贸 hacer lo que tenia que hacer.
Tomorrow from 4:30 pm Arizona time and by Frank Rodriguez Ministries on YouTube: Twelve Men Like You and Me. Andres, Bartolome, Santiago the eldest, Santiago, the youngest.