When the says healing it doesn't just mean physical healing it means financial healing spiritual healing for your emotions

What happens when a frog's car breaks? It gets toad

As it says in Genesis about Israel I will bless thoses Who bless you and curse those who curse you

Dottie Rambo was great Christian songwriter to bad she passed away and she couldn't even walk she was in a wheelchair she wrote the song Lord I never have been this homesick before

What did the vinaigrette say to the refrigerator close the door I'm dressing

How does Darth Vader like his chocolate? On the dark side

Your nose can't be a 12 in Long or it'd be a foot

I once tried to figure out where the sun went! Then it dawned on me🌞

Another awesome Christian song writer named Rusty Goodman who wrote lot of good songs

So now gab is going to have gab voice coming soon according to Andrew Torba