North America has a much longer history than from the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, from the travels of the Vikings to our shores or even its settlement by the Native American Indians. It was inhabited before the flood. This is where Noah lived when he built his arc. It is where Adam and Eve lived and began the family of mankind. It was a choice land until the people became too wicked.

After the land was cleansed by the Flood, it was again a chosen or choice land and the God of Heaven lead different groups of people here to inhabit it.
The first group we know about was a group who left the Tower of Babel about the time that the construction came to a halt due to the confusion caused when people suddenly did not have one common language. Two brothers, their friends and their families came in barges. They built a civilization that lasted about 2000 years before they destroyed themselves. (about 2500 to 500 BC)
About 600 BC, two different groups of people left Jerusalem, followed different routes, and established themselves in North America. It was about 450 years before they met up and joined forces. Their civilization flourished at times and faltered at others, but was totally wiped out by the ancestors of the Native American Indians about 400 AD.
For the full story check out Ancient Records Testify

Just want to share the "Church News-A Living Record of the Restoration"
You can check it out here:

charlie brownau
3 years ago

NO Masks actually make people SICKER, it only stops people spitting and shouldnt be worn longer then 20 minutes

Wigger Uneducated
3 years ago

Imo for people really concerned about the issue, their unlikely to change their opinion at this point other than just pointing out that the left are exaggerating and that the Chicom virurs is just another threat to the elderly community

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Fuck the old cunts, they would throw everyone under the bus if it got them 'safety and security' till they pass away in a old cunts home

Wigger Uneducated
3 years ago

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Wigger you are a PRIME example why i dont add any females to social media anymore, you lot cant handle the unbranded truth

William Keen
Changed profile cover.
Wigger Uneducated
3 years ago

Reminds me of the forests of India

William Keen
3 years ago

How about a crop of Hemp?

Jesssene Roe Beecroft
3 years ago


charlie brownau
3 years ago

We should be using Hemp and Bamoo for paper/wood instead of slow grow standard tree wood

William Keen
Changed profile picture.