Now that ‘Chuck has found out he can get anything he wants by THREATENING to Burn, Loot & Murder, what do you think his (((communi$t corporate owner$))) will use him for next?


WAY TO GO, Keep It Up...BLOCKhazari$tocracy!

WAY TO GO, Keep It Up...BLOCKhazari$tocracy!

Those upset by the Chauvin verdict must realize truth is seldom popular, what’s popular is seldom true!

#tweet$an$hitter #0urKHAZARi$tocracy #monyaTALKZbull$hitWalk$

BEING DEAD For 20+ Years can’t dampen your success against (((lefti$t))) propaganda

YES VIRGINIA, The Stock Market is a freaking Khazar $cam, because the love of fake money is the root of all evil

#FAL$Eprofit$ #Welfare4theOMFR #UEMFs&theirFraud

REMIND A Denominational Religionist of their duty to be salt & light in the world and use the Power of God & you’ll get constant excuses instead of action.

#P$EUDAEOxian #churchianityToday #MAKEbeliever #DI$PENSE-ationali$m

FRUITEAU: The Oy-Veying Oligarch Mon$ter that devoured Canada...
It's not a horror flick, it's the rise of communism in the West.

Founding Father V. "(((WHITE))) $UPREMACY!!!"

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

-Thomas Jefferson