PAUL ELAM ON SIMPS (Your Khazar-Papist brainFILTHYing & attempts to gain salvation through altruism Are DESTROYING You)!
#CANCELgynocentric$pirituali$m #CUNTophobia

charlie brownau
3 years ago

PAUL ELAM is a jewish zionist, this is WHY the MRA movement went NO WHERE

Yeah, Harry Potter’s a Jewish Zionist too. They’re EVERYWHERE, Including hiding under your bed, waiting to pounce! /s It’s important to not get lost in fear as you pursue the truth. If Elam was jewi$h, he’d be pushing the opposite of what he is pushing: MRA has gone nowhere because of atheists clinging to their feminist fairytales.

GET RID OF WORKFARE BUREAUCRACY And The $JeW$ Will Follow It right into the dumpster...they’re only on your payroll for freebies anyway!
#BasecampPart2 #CutLOSEtheFknKO$$ACKdeadweight #CLEANINGhouse

CHEEZY 2A POLITICAL THEATRE Is The Crooked PAPI$Tician’s mode du jour to distract armed American goyim as they shove thru unconstitutional “law”#2jer$ey$1TEAM #1handWashe$theOther #0urKHAZARi$tocracy

DEALING WITH (((Tho$e Who OWN))) the political left (your little white girl can whup their @$$):


charlie brownau
3 years ago

She ended up coming an anti white enttitled marxist cunt

charlie brownau
3 years ago

The 150 Most Beautiful Jewish Actresses in Hollywood - Every single time

AN EXCELLENT EXAMPLE Of How To Purge socialistic injustice & other forms of gynocentric spiritualism/papi$m from your business:

#$JeW$needN0tApply #BREAKhazari$tocracy #newsUcanUSE

YOU WILL GET BACK What You Give Off, so FORGET all that boomer/gamma emoBULL$HIT about “beautiful on the inside” and sharpen up your appearance.


TEXANS, Man Your Phones: HUGE 2A Freedom bills in your state’s legislature NOW!

PISS-POOR IDEAS Have No Consequences at all if you lie for the globali$t FAKERight/are a Khazar-Papi$t cabal member