(((FEMIN$TA$I))) Hate White Guns & FEEEEEEL they should be banned! *snickers*


A shooting every week since Comrade Joe stole office tells gALT-In-Da-Box that AntiFa has switched from Burning,Looting&Murder to mass-murder as its terrorism tactic.

#aGOYcontrol #blameTheGun #brainFILTHYINGU.S. #KHAZARi$tocracy #$INagogueOf$atan #ControlKO$$ACK$notGuns

IF YOU’RE A Firearms Enthusiast, it’s time to “cry aloud, spare naught” when it comes to Congress & demand it OBEY The 2nd Amendment!


IF YOU’RE A Firearms Enthusiast, it’s time to “cry aloud, spare naught” when it comes to Congress & demand it OBEY The 2nd Amendment!


#SouthAfrica2.0 #TheyARENT”colorblind”


“YA EVER NOTICE How (((Those))) Who love calling everyone else “HITLER!!!” and “NAZIS!!!” act just like Adolf Hitler & the Nazis...I wonder WHY That is?” ~ Andy Rooney wept