$OPHI$M Is The Curse of our age: It’s why the west is afflicted with “experts” who are only right when it doesn’t matter, working the gov’t/media complex to keep U.S. in perpetual fear of our own shadows!

CALIFORNICATORS Brought Earth/bitch-worship, drugs & shitting in the streets to Colorado, so many of its natives are leaving before it goes to Hell
#EastCaliforniaFAIL #VotingWithYourFeet

BELIEVING The $INagogue 0f $atan’s Lies has done EU$$r in again & again, and this could be the grand finale! America isn’t far behind
time to get back to God’s Word!
#Isaiah55 #theway.org

JUST Gonna leave this right here!
ï»ż#BackboneWORKSï»ż ï»ż#N0tOnOurWatchï»ż

ARMED CITIZEN Shuts Down $inagogue 0f $atan’s wind-up goy/gov’t indoctrination created monster before it can perform mass-slaughter.
#2AallTheWAY #BeSoberBeVigilant #IfYouSEEsomethingDOsomething

IT Makes Too Much Fkn Sense, so (((the E$tabli$hment))) isn’t interested.

PORTRAIT Of A Completely-Duped UEMF:
Sad to say the credit-card wealthy in the USA and their mackerel-snapping illogic did more to aid and abet globali$t (((communi$m))) than anything!
ï»ż#theUNamericanCenturyï»ż #CUCK$ervative
