Regardless of the shouting in the streets, there are hardly any abortion supporters aware of the fact they were sacrificial lambs for the passage of goy control.
Regardless of the shouting in the streets, there are hardly any abortion supporters aware of the fact they were sacrificial lambs for the passage of goy control.
WHAT DOES MO$$AD/Communi$t In$urgency Agency do when not engineering ma$$ shootings in America? Well, here’s a possibility:
IS YOUR “CHURCH” Part Of/an Harlot-daughter of the Whore of Babylon?
Any or ALL of these lies from Hell will be propagated by it if it is:
1.Three-god-initariani$m (Earth/bitch-worshipping $pirituali$m)…the foundation of “Reformed” P$EUDai$m!
3.Life after death ($pirituali$m).
4.$alvation by altrui$m.
5.(((Globali$t/lefti$t))) ha$bara wrapped in bits of Scripture verses.
6.”Sure we believe in the Bible, BUUUUUUT…” (A fave carping of femin$TA$I preachers).
If you hear all, or any of these damnable heresies regularly from the pulpit DON’T WALK, RUN To the nearest exit, and visit
TOMORROW, And $atan only knows how many days after, his faithful servant George $oros will be flooding streets with $hriking femin$TA$I Kike-led hoarde$ of useless eaters, all butthurt because SCOTUS clipped their whoredom privilege!
Are you as amazed as I am that the FAKE “Right” is autistically screeching in celebration of the Roe V. Wade reversal in complete, willful ignorance of the reality 15 Cuck$ervative $enators cut their balls off at the same time?
#RedFags #GoyCONtrol #2stepsForward1stepBack
IT’S DANGEROUS To Be A Doctor who’s genuinely interested in curing people instead of perpetuating sickness for profit - this is ONLY ONE Of many examples:
REGARDLESS Of How “democratic” it may claim to be, ANY Government tens of trillion$ in debt ultimately serves (((those who finance it))), not The People.