$HITTER Bans Jordan Peterson, who responds by hammering pervert privilege

ALPHABET AGENCIES (Cops Of Communism) get wings clipped in SCOTUS ruling - including ATF

In The Event of an actual, Biblical-scale apocalypse (Appearing Administration), your bug-out bag & AR-15 won’t be worth a shit.
Have a nice holiday!

(((KHAZAR EMPIRE $CHTAAT))) Not Letting The Constitution get in the way of its goy control obsession

ACCURATELY DEPICTS (((Globali$t))) Ha$bara Propagated by ZIOmedia regarding self-defense tools

RED FAG GOY CONTROL, Federal Or State, is - to put it gently and kindly, the $INagogue 0f $atan @$$-raping the Bill Of Rights out of the fear You MIGHT commit a crime - atleast that’s the “official story”

EVOLUTION IS Propagated As “intellectual/enlightenment/progressive”, though the truth is that life only “happens to” LOSERS:
Chance, fate, the breaks, and natural selection are the cop-outs and excuses of the spiritualist, not the scientist
#Que$ara$hlock #EVERYeffectHasAcause #OWNyour$#!+