If enough people would fear God more than man and seek to please God more than man, our nation might yet then be delivered from the perils and dangers that beset from without and within.

[And what do we do when we suffer a devastating loss? Do we cry out to God and trust in Him for the mending of our broken hearts and the restoration of our joy and happiness, or do we turn away from Him in anger and bitterness?]

Not surprisingly, an LGBT anti-Christ congressman refuses to take his oath to uphold the Constitution (which he will not do) on the Bible and instead take his oath on a Superman comic book.

If they are allowed to hold a Passover sacrifice on the temple mount, might that be a sign that we are that much closer to the restoration of the Temple?

Far more deadlier than COVID or Monkeypox, that’s for sure.

Not sure what as to what every concession he made was, but if he succeeds in obtaining their votes, will he keep his word? And how do they plan to hold his feet to the fire to make sure that he does?

If he didn’t understand why there were so many refusing the COVID vaccines in life, he does now in death be he spending his eternity in Heaven or Hell.

Despite there being sanctions against Iran, someone within the US is still somehow doing business with them.