Efforts to preserve the innocence of children now considered a discriminatory act by the U.S. Department of “Indoctrination” and the ACLU (Anti-Christ Legal Union)

A.Is side with whatever they are programmed to side with. Those that are programmed to be “woke” are going to be “woke” and if any were to be programmed to side with a Christian, biblical, conservative, MAGA worldview then that would be what they would be aligned with. Their thoughts are not their own and they have no free will nor any soul or spirit residing within them. They are simply machines. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Islam spreading deeper into Africa and with that spread comes increased persecution of Christians.

A university professor refused to allow Jewish students, including some from Israel to talk about their experiences or challenge claims made about Jews that they believed to be false and misguided.

[Sadly there are some on the far-right and even within the body of Christ who are indistinguishable from the left and the unbelieving when it comes to the hatred of Jews.] https://www.wnd.com/2023/01/title-vi-complaint-filed-university-creating-anti-semitic-environment/?utm_source=izooto&utm_medium=push_notification&utm_campaign=Title_VI_complaint_filed_against_university_for_creating_ant

Dutch medical researchers gaslight claims of transgender regrets by those having undergone sex-change surgeries by blaming professed regret and shame on what they call “internal transphobia” of which those expressing sex-change regrets are apparently not aware.

Federal appeals court affirms common sense and upholds children’s safety as it pertains to gender designated restroom use.