Here's a video of my character showing her true feelings for Youtube:

Ah, Youtube continues their crusade against common sense... They've blurred out most of the thumbnails I used for my videos because, GASP I used an image of a stock cartoon pic of a handgun in my latest thumbnail. Funny how they left my Marvel Arcade games thumbnail depicting the PUNISHER WITH A GUN alone... They hit up almost every thumbnail, including ones I had for my past streams of Final Fantasy 8, Diablo 3 and my Soul Calibur 6 series. Yeah, I think I upset the almighty algorithm. OOPSIE DOODLES!

Darkmoon 75
5 months ago

Darkmoon 75
5 months ago

Corder version of my video about people who take Youtube way too seriously:

Here's the next episode of the Dragonball Z Bardock: Alone Against Fate DLC for DBZ Kakarot on PS4, exclusively on

Here's the preview episode of my no commentary run of the Bardock: Alone Against Fate DLC for DBZ Kakarot on PS4. All other episodes will be over on my main channel at Corder, which is linked below. Help me out by subbing me over there and help YOURSELF out by joining a platform that doesn't police your language.

I chase after that weird mech and then do the weirdest romantic sidequest ever in this episode of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot - Bardock DLC!

Darkmoon 75
Changed profile picture.

I did a little creative project today... the description of the video will tell you about it. It's a Corder exclusive.