Uncle Roger vs Peanut Allergy Guy (Animated #shorts)

ZorinOS vs Mint Beta - Linux Distros
- https://www.joshwhotv.com/v/.QG4v2g

(Switched to Linux) [joshwhotv]
#linux #zorinOS #mint #distro #review #switchedtolinux

How to turn small towns into economic miracles
- Michael Tellinger - One Small Town

#town #village #community #self-suffient

Patriotic Weekly Review - with Laura Towler
- Odysee - https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR111:2
- Bitchute - https://www.bitchute.com/video/NeqXpFGEquiF/

#Patriotic #nationalism #Race
#whiteblame #whiteshame #whiteguilt
#jewishslavetrade #Juneteenth
#blackliveslost #black #niggas #gang #shooting #blackonblack #gunvoilence

John McAfee didnt kill himself

- John McAfee found dead in Spanish jail
after court approves extradition to US

- https://www.nbc4i.com/news/u-s-world/john-mcafee-found-dead-in-spanish-jail-after-court-approves-extradition-to-us/
- https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/23/john-mcafee-found-dead-after-spanish-court-oks-extradition-for-tax-crimes-.html
- https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2021/06/23/john-mcafee-dead-spain-prison-antivirus-software-founder/5326068001/


Goverment stealing money from working class and transfering it to banks, corporations, corrupt polticans and overseas nations = LEGAL

Avoiding Taxation aka Avoiding theif = ILLEGAL

Jewish Attorney General Merrick Garland Declares
War On The Open Internet:
Seizes Domains Of Press TV & Middle East News Sites

AG Merrick Garland Declares War On The Open Internet:
Seizes Domains Of Press TV And MidEast News Sites

#Jewish #PressTV #MidEast #Domains #FBI #ICCAN

Founder of dating app Bumble is a Jewish Single unmarried mum with a fatherless child.

Whitney Wolfe - Wolfe Herd was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Michael Wolfe
, a wealthy property developer, who was Jewish , and Kelly Wolfe , who was Catholic.
Wolfe Herd attended Judge Memorial Catholic High School. When she was in fourth grade,
the family went on a sabbatical in Paris, France

She was also an early executive at Tinder.

* Bumble Vs. Tinder: What’s Jewish About The Epic Dating Site War?
- https://forward.com/schmooze/397441/bumble-vs-tinder-whats-jewish-about-the-epic-dating-site-war/

* Meet the Jewish founders of Tinder
- https://jewishjournal.com/mobile_20111212/132669/

* Whitney Wolfe is Bringing Feminism to Your Phone
- https://atxwoman.com/whitney-wolfe/

#jews #half-breed #hiddeninplainsight #Dating #feminism #empowerment

Online meat markets are like sex shops & prescription dick pills: if you have to resort to that level of lameness to get it up, you’re either a boomer, or otherwise not honest enough with yourself to admit the other party is a land-whale/you have a meat-derigible fetish.

charlie brownau
4 years ago

Whites wont be in power of Western/eU/white nations until ALL JEWS are exiled back to Israel for the next 250-500-100 years

Is it supremacist to want white people with white power in white nations

Is it supremacist for China to have Chinese Power in Chinese Nations ?

Is it supremacist for Japanese to have Japanese power in Japan ?

Is it supremacist for Indians to have Indian Power in India ?

Is it supremacist for Black South Africans to have Black Power in South Africa ?

Is it supremacist for Russians to have Russian Power in Russia ?

#white #race #nationalism #state #power #goverment

GypsyCrusader (Paul Miller) update from prison
- https://www.joshwhotv.com/v/.QG532A


Last Look at Animelab - Free Anime Streaming site
bought out by Funimation - 23 June 2021
- Video - https://www.joshwhotv.com/v/.QG533A
- Channel - https://www.joshwhotv.com/channel/charliebrownau
#anime #streaming #fansub #corporation #Animelab