Charliebrownau Recommended Alt tech List - 27/Dec/2020

* Fakebook >> Minds + Creation.Social
* Twatter >> Gab
* Youtube >> Bitchute + UGETube ( )
(or self hosted peertube)
or GabTV (paywalled gabpro)
* Streaming >> JoshwhoTV + Entropy

* Google E-Mail >> Protonmail or Self Hosted
(Dont use Tutanota ,they created a backdoor for German Gov)
* Google & DDG Search >> SearX / Swisscows / mojeek
* Google Maps >> OpenStreetMap

* Podcast hosting >> Speaker
* Medium >> Publish0x
* Skype/video chat >> Jitsi Meet
* Whatsapp/fb/etc >> Session / Matrix / / Self hosted XMPP
* Discord >> Mumble or SIP or Matrix

* Reddit >> Ruqqus -
* Wiki >> Maybe infogalactic , no unbias site found yet
* >> @GetTogether
* Instagram >>
* Pastebin/pastetext >> (TOR friendly)
* Image Upload >> TBA ...

* Streaming chat/superchat >> Entropy
* Xsplit >> OBS
* Pateron >> Subscribestar +
* Spreadshirt/redbubble/teespring >> TBA

* MS Win 8/8.1/10 >> Linux OS (PC)
* MS Office >> Libreoffice
* MacOSX >> Elementary OS (PC)

* Android >> Lineage OS
* Playstore/fdroid >> Aptoide/Apkpure
* Alt Mobile Phone >> Pinephone
* Alt Laptop >> Pinebook or Raspi

* VPN (home PC) >> Mullvad VPN
* DNS (home PC) >> DNS.Watch
* Domain >> Epik & Unstoppable Domains
* Hosting >> Vultr VPS
* Maillist/mailchimp >> Mailcow Mailing list

* view Youtube anon+Privacy -
* View twatter anon+privacy -
* View reddit anon+privacy -

#free-speech #alt-tech #censorship #opensource #2030


#free-speech #censorship #alt-tech #opensource #big-tech

4 years ago

I'm honored to see CreationSocial listed as an alt-tech alternative to Facebook.

charlie brownau
4 years ago

ahhh wtf the formatting went all screwy

Convid Cure without a magic needle:

* Hrdroxy chloroquine (HCQ) and Azithromycin
for 6 days cures a person

* Take 2 200mg HCQ chloroquine pills per day,
along with Azithromycin 500g once a day,
+ Zinc Supplments 200mg once a day

* Also supplment that with Vit C+D

* 100% cure rate

Say NO to magic 'vaccine' needles by
- Trump (operation Warp Speed) ,
- Bill Gates + Big Phama
- , UN and Agenda 21

#convid #cure #bigphama #operation-warp-speed #chinnna

charlie brownau
Changed profile picture.
charlie brownau
Changed profile cover.
charlie brownau
4 years ago

Sydney Bridge, Australia

Bitcoin is NOT Anonymous

(Mental Outlaw) ]{censortube]
#cypto #banks #currency #digital #central-banks

* Disussion here -