So an idiot who is so hopped up on establishment propaganda over the Ukraine/Russia conflict decides to create malware targeting any Russian website possible out of "protest".
Never mind that there are innocent people on both sides not involved who will now have their services crippled and their data destroyed, some of who are disabled and have no other source of income. All that matters is supporting "da kurent thingz".
This is why dumbass NPCs who support "da kurent thingz* should never be allowed near a computer. As a tech enthusiast, this really activates the almonds.
3 years ago
A new form of censorship. Great. Just like how the top search engines, along with Duckduckgo, Qwant, and Startpage are censoring Russian sites for "disinformation." The truth is, they want to hide the truth about the war between the two nations. It's the new global distraction.