Time for another update on my investment portfolio and my passive income journey. In this episode, I cover my regular monthly update sharing what I invest in and why. This is amateur investing at its finest!


Thorchain offers us the solution we’ve been asking for: a truly #decentralized swap exchange that utilizes smart contracts. That’s a mouthful and needs some unpacking, so let’s dive into it.


charlie brownau
2 years ago

Thorswap uses cloudflare , they do offer a app in appimage for linux

charlie brownau
2 years ago

You talk too fast and removed all breathe breaks, bad habit that a lot of content creators especially from CA/UK/USA do

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

I don't remove any breath breaks. I'm realistic 😋

Scott Cunningham
2 years ago

I didn't remove any breath breaks lol I actually talk that fast. There were 2-3 cuts maybe where I removed me waiting for transactions. I'm genuinely too lazy for that hahaha

Anonymous 1669497371
2 years ago

I really want to share this testimony on how I join the Illuminati brotherhood which I contacted the Email address below info.Illuminatiam.com@gmail.com or WhatsApp number +1(717)485‑8519 $80,000,000 organization I have been trying to join the Illuminati for many years even I was scammed and ripped by people claiming to be grand master but been here in the mighty app here I found a comment on how to become a member and to join the Illuminati was totally free and they never ask me for any fee until I become a member now I owned my company back and have a successful family thanks to the Illuminati kingdom if you are really interested in joining the Illuminati fee free to contact the email address info.Illuminatiam.com@gmail.com it’s was totally free to become a member thanks so much master Colins Joel

Crypto & Things has come a lonnnnnng way! 😀 I recently passed 500 episodes btw.

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

Congratulations! I didn't know you were Canadian 🇨🇦. How are things going for your area?

Scott Cunningham
2 years ago

I thought my accent gave it away haha. It's fine here, but I feel like a prisoner. Cheering on the convoys

AI taking over wouldn't be mass producing robots to go to war with us. It's a waste of resources, time, material, etc.

It's simpler to lull us into submission. I genuinely believe that AI-generated art, music, literature, and anything that shapes culture will be our downfall. 🧐

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

I think robots will be the epitome of our world, TBH (if that's the correct term to use). Once they are used to control and surveil places, that will be the downfall of the Matrix as we know it. Jesus, on the other hand, will probably come sometime in the next melinium max. We are already entering the Revelation.

If you watch the news you're misinformed and if you don't watch the news you're uninformed.

I watch the news to be informed on what I'm being misinformed on so I'm not uninformed.

See what I did there? 😉

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

I follow news outlets like the Epoch Times and the Blaze. No MSM for me! That stuff has become plain propaganda!

It's terrifying that this is just what we know of publicly out there for AI music generation. Maybe we are deeper than I thought.

How do you know what's real or AI-generated?

Getting "F U money" isn't about getting rich. 🧐

It's about acquiring enough money to fund a reasonable lifestyle that allows you to say and do what you really want without any nonsense. 💸

For example, a rich lawyer is still beholden to clients (not free) 💡

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

Money isn't everything. We must use it for the better

While every attempt at synthetic crypto stocks has failed, Terra is still doing it with Mirror but has an SEC lawsuit against them that is pretty straightforward.

Will Terra be the only one to win? Highly unlikely. I don't think crypto stocks are a reality yet. 🧐 However, I absolutely support it and want to see more synthetic stock solutions.

What do you think?

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

Bring it on!