I do all my accounting and finances. I don't think of it as tedious, I look at it like, I'm keeping my mind sharp. I will calculate in my head then use the calculator to confirm. It's a great mental workout for your brain 🤓👍🧠

charlie brownau
2 years ago

Id rather do all accounting by hand with a calc
No online forms or software

A lot of people are showing interest with PLAIN TEXT Accounting


Remember its not THIEF with GUN VIOLENCE or FORCE
when the government does it

I don't consider " our democracy " , liberalism or Federal Governance
freedom or good

Its all based on thief, lies, corruption , force and double standards
I support a STATELESS society/Nation


If anything the Plandemic and Artificial Supply shortage
has shown the effects of state controlled business, farming, industry and trade

charlie brownau
2 years ago

Switched to Linux covered the shady stuff that the IRS wants

Id always do that government stuff via hard copy paper

How many times do we have to see governmental and corporation leak data and get hacked
and sell data to someone else


Switched to Linux - https://odysee.com/@switchedtolinux:0

IRS Wants YOU to Submit Biodata

Scott Cunningham
Changed profile cover.
Scott Cunningham
Changed profile picture.

I have joined! :)

3 years ago

Welcome to CreationSocial, Scott! Looking forward to seeing your crypto content on here!

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

Welcome back!

Scott Cunningham
Changed profile picture.
Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

Oh, so it IS you! What's up?