REWRITING THE CONSTITUTION - Far From A Right-Wing Ideal - is a fave wet dream of communists, atheists and other factions of the $INagogue Of $atan
#Law4the$akeOfLaw #ConConCONjob

Amazing how the same boomers who bought the “OVERPOPULATION!!!” Kike propaganda, murdered their kids in the womb, dopered, drank & perversioned themselves nearly to death are suddenly worried about white genocide.
#N0TshowingUp4theFuture #aBitL8

ROBOT WAX: I got your friend request and approved it ATLEAST a dozen times, but it doesn’t show. If you’re an admin here, maybe you can tweak the system/see wtf’s going on with it?? #KLUNKmechanix

charlie brownau
3 years ago

I added him, he is okay

(((E$TABLI$HMENT PRE$$))) Reality Cen$or$hip Broken: Carlson touches on how Atlanta GA is suffering under ape rule/discovering$#!+cago life:

#$outhAfrica2.0 #Ko$$ackIGNORANCEaintBliss #PERVER$ITYisN0tStrength

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Its not SOCIALISM when you transfer money from one group and give it to another group by FORCE , its "Taxation"

REPRESENT! Your Voice Needed to keep elitist Ko$$ack gun-grabber out of ATF chair: vote scheduled for THURSDAY Morning!

charlie brownau
3 years ago

All gun "LAWS" is people CONTROL., not GUN control

charlie brownau
3 years ago

AOC is half choosen tribe

Obvious from her arrogant, impudent demeanor. Femin$TA$I need to realize they’re only needed for one thing, and it’s not their mouth!

AND FINALLY TONIGHT, Leaving You Laughing with some Battlestar Galactica yuks that were WAY Too hot for TV in their time!

ONLY THE FIRST In A Series Of Informative video lectures (((the E$tabli$hment))) is working hard to suppress, as it exposes globali$m’s true nature

THE PINKO/MARXI$T FOG Of $ociali$tic Inju$tice appears to be lifting in Silicon Valley...we can only pray it’s not replaced by something worse!