JUST REMEMBER, You Can Tune an “anTANNA” but you can’t tuna fish


TEN GRAND PER CONVERSION? Joel 0Y-VEY-$tein likely gets phatter jack than that pushing Hellyweird P$EUDAEOxianity! We doubt Reuven has a thing to worry about

#$habbatAMcartoons #DICKmeasuringContest

THIS Is What arrogant perver$ity looks like (it makes you say, do & tweet retarded $#!+):
#TheLITTLE$Tchickenhawk #god$cho$enRU$$IAN$


charlie brownau
3 years ago

He is a Anti White Zionist Jew

charlie brownau
3 years ago

This shows that community needs to be willing to kick out - National Goverment, Corporations , Central banks . Communities need to unite to keep themself safe from the corrupt, illmoral and those who want the community harm

God Will Never Leave Us

Every born-again believer needs to hear this message, it flies in the face of P$EUDAEOxianity today!


charlie brownau
3 years ago

God isnt coming back to help us, it will be up to white men of character to restore western nations to past glory

WE ARE WINNING, AMERICA!!! Keep Fighting For Freedom: Demanding (((the E$tabli$hment))) obey the Constitution WORKS!

#GOYcontrol #BREAKhazari$tocracy #ENDveldt$chtaat

TODAY DOJ Drafted Procedural Bureaucratic Regulations for unconstitutional federal red flag law, whereby any neurotic femin$TA$I/other lefTARD can take your 2nd Amendment rights at a whim!

#HowKo$$ack$ROByou #”legal”Vethical