THIS COMES OFF Very Good, but leaves the reader wondering why the author won’t name (((the actual agents))) of the Wicked One

PERVER$ITY IN GENERAL & Pederasty In Particular are the most distinguishing characteristics of the Whore of Babylon & the $INagogue of $atan that own$ it
#RomanCULT #ENDkhazarPapi$tCabalNOW

MANUFACTURED VIRUS = $camdemic = bull$hit overblown to get rid of American President 45


“YOU ARE A RACIST!!!” ~ (((Communi$t $ubverter$)))
NMFS, $hylock...everyone is! Especially “god$cho$en” RU$$IAN$ pushing this dreck in government $CREWool$

“ST. GEORGE” Closes In On His First Crime-free, sober year as shots fired @ whitie-be-alway-muhfuh-pickin-awn-me corner

#KO$$ACKfootsoldiers$ighted #DUPEproce$$

A PRIMER As To Why if you hear the phrase “CHRI$TIAN NATION!!!”in any form, you run like hell!

THERE ARE Plenty Of “good men” left, none of whom can stand femin$TA$I


THE (((OLD-MONEY FILTHY-RICH))) Got Filthy-Rich All over again via the COVID-1984 $CAMdemic, but that’s “YU$HT EIN COHENZIDENZ!!!/YEH ANTIZEMITICK!!!” if you notice.

#TicketTaker$ #Mark8:36

HISTORY WAS ONCE The Lie Most Commonly Agreed, now it’s the narrative sold the goyim for benefit of (((the liar$))).

IT DOESN’T MATTER What Form The 30 pieces of silver takes, what does is the reality people who whore out to the KHAZARi$tocracy are screwed, here, AND Hereafter - just like Judas Iscariot