PROUD To Be An heretic, just like my savior & Lord Jesus Christ, & Martin Luther: a word that derives from Ancient Greek, meaning “One who sees thru your seductive lies”


A HUNDRED YEARS TOGETHER! Wherein CFN “embraces the suck” the past century of felating the SINagogue of $atan has caused!
#”jewI$H” #Jew$thatAreN0t

WHEN BACKBONE/BALLS/GUTS ARE NEEDED, Don’t Shop The GeOPapi$t market!You’ll never find what you need there

#NeoCON$needNietApply #CUCK$ervative

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Voxday supports Multiculturalism and Civic Nationalism and still belives in the 'racist' word lie

charlie brownau
3 years ago

I don't even know who is actually calling the shots in the United States. - Zionist Jews, Central banks, Wef, UN, Agenda 21

YOU MAY FEEEEEEL Coronaviru$ $CAMdemic is something other than politicizing the flu to unseat an American President...the numbers say otherwise!

charlie brownau
3 years ago

No goverment is accountable for money theif spending
