The Language of Totalitarianism | Coming One Party State | A tale of Two Meloni

State of the Union:
I saw complete hopelessness in the eyes of haunted
souls dragging themselves down the street ...
I saw the filthy tent cities stinking with human
excrement ...
I saw children staring in horror at people dying right in
front of them.
What does Pharma say? ... Most adults have mental illness and
require prescriptions for expensive pharmaceutical
“cures” ... Ie drugs to dull the mind and ease the pain.
The pain?
Of living in a commuinist hellhole. Rigth on schedule.
Biden is demanding a one-party state
when Biden talks about WHITE GOP voters,
he doesn't talk about voters or Americans. He describes
an insurgency. He implies an armed rebellion ...
.White voters, Biden tells us, aren't just wrong. They tried to overthrow the U.S.
government and you can't debate people like that. You have to crush them.

"We've got to kill and confront that movement."
Why? They are White and saying the truth.

Here in reality:
Free speech is a prerequisite for a Free government, obviously and until very recently,
everyone unquestioningly understood that, Dissent was a patriotic act.

In other news headlines:
America is increasingly governed by pedos, perverts and deviants, new report reveals

Rampant LGBT perversion, violence and mental illness: How America’s collapse was foretold 50 years ago

FBI insiders say White supremacy threat overblown as Biden opens summit about racists, extremists

USDA threatens Amish farmer with fines and PRISON time for selling raw milk and grass-fed beef to community

Green energy GENOCIDE: Without fossil fuel, there’ll be no more fertilizer to grow food

EU energy ministers agree to reduce bloc’s electricity
consumption by 10%
August food inflation jumped by 11.4%, but experts
warn the worst is yet to come
Violence In California Reaches "Epidemic" Levels As
Our Society Rapidly Deteriorates All Around Us
Transgender quackery exposed as “child abuse” by top
Italy’s Meloni portrays herself as strong supporter of Israel, rejects fascist past
Brothers of Italy leader has highlighted ties to Likud party; Israel ... who is the far-right leader set to become Italy's first female PM?

Don’t Tolerate People Who Hate You
White supremacists recruit teens by making them feel
someone cares
The Anti-White war machine frames its War On White
People using the phrase "White Supremacists" but let's
not pretend for one second that "White Supremacists"
doesn't mean "White people."

Framing it as "White Supremacy" gives cover to those
at the top so they're able so say, "Of course it's not ALL
White people - just the SUPREMACISTS - you're not
one of them, ARE YOU?" as they continue to target all
White people.

Framing it as "White Supremacy" gives the GOP an out
: "Under no circumstance would we condone the toxic hate of
'White Supremacy' bla bla bla insert MLK quote."

If you see a White person when you look in the mirror,
and you don't think they're talking about you when they
say "White Supremacist," you're looking at a fool.

God Bless Nationalist Fam.

#replacementmigration #WhiteGenocide #WhiteHistory #WhiteCulture #WhiteRights #WhiteRace #Invasion #ColorBlindCucks #GOP #WhitePower #WhitePride #Whiteness

Your own Faith and Courage are your best last resort!
But at any rate these quality thoughts on how #ItsOkayToBeWhite are 100%
of monetary cost. We never will have the Shekel Cup out for donations.
It amazes us that the White Race has fallen this far this fast. Mind boggling.
But bottom comes -- then we can build upon Firm footings of family and
#Border #BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals
#MakeAmericaSafeAgain #StopTheInvasion
#WhiteRights #WhiteCulture
#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#Nationalists #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #Autarky #Freedom #respect #honor #dignity #loyalty #duty #right #frugality #dedication #courage
#nation #honestwork #honestpay #honestgovernment #honestelections #commongood #breakthebondsofusury #publicbank #publiccredit

Zionist Occupied Government! #ZOG who are #AntiWhite and #AntiChrist, the Judas Tribe are not our allies but more like our task masters. We act as their piggy bank and enforcers.

Say it.

That is what you have Anglos!

This is general in all English Speaking Nations.

#Israel our greatest ally? Not a chance! That is #ADL and #AIPAC Propaganda!

Why do you have to be loyal to Israel?
Why do you have to defend them?
What moral responsibility do you have to them?

You have none and you don't have to but you are forced by Traitors to pay for the tribes ride.

It is Treason by any other name. Lobbying is bribery.

ADL was established to 'get justice' for a pedophile murderer Leo Frank. Israel is not our moral or economic issue; the Jews are not a blessing but are in fact a curse.

We have a lunatic in charge of the country. A very dangerous one! The situation will not be improved by continuing to sit on our brains & feeeeeel someone else needs to do something about it.

charlie brownau
2 years ago

Still relying on crapchute

When are you finally going to mirror your stuff on JoshwhoTV

The Great Replacement Fact | Replacement Migration is Invasion by any other Name

Nuff said! We are pro-White. We are for Whites. We won't play the egalitarian diversity equality game. We were born crippled so that is gonna be a no.

Hurtie words ahead. Flee Now.

Welcome to the Last sane outpost this side of Hell. Folks have a seat, lets tell a tale.

charlie brownau
2 years ago

Mass migration = mass replacement

Still using crapchute instead of actual free speech JHTV and CorderTV

Pissing in their own shoes…like idiots who can’t stop fkn bawling over the alleged “loss” of a femin$TA$I Race-traitor who presided over the ruination of her “empire”'s-Death-Exposes-Britain's-Racial-Divide:c

A talk about Nationalism and Spirit | St Michael Defend Us| Keep the Faith

Pray To St Michael: "Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle. Be our protection against the
wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke
him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the
Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell
Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world
for the ruin of souls. Amen."

27 The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I
fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I
be afraid?

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him: and without him was
made nothing that was made.
4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness
did not comprehend it.

#DeusVult #Nation #Faith #Folk #Life #Liberty #Father #Son #HolyGhost

Never Ending Emergency | Hackable Humans | Destruction of HERO Culture

End the fake emergency! End this tyranny! Down with the ZOG.
Why does the Left hate Heroes? Slaves can't be allowed to think they have options!
Scientists Defend Censorship and Cancel Culture as
'Recalibrating' American Society -- They know best according to them!
Over the last few years European Whites everywhere have sacrificed enough of their human rights, their dignity, liberties, and of their livelihoods for two and a half years in the service of protecting the general public health. They have been attacked,demeaned, ostracized, castigated, and ruined financially in many instances given they were prevented from earning a living.
Or Just to stay alive:
Police: Driver admitted to intentionally killing teen at
North Dakota street dance after political dispute
Man Charged With Killing Teen Echoed Biden’s
‘Republican Extremism’ Rhetoric To Justify His Act ...
But the tyranny could be worse ... Oh Yeah: Much Worse!
ORGAN FACTORIES: Israeli company develops
“artificial womb technology” to synthetically grow
human embryos for organ harvesting
Biden’s transhumanist EO calls for natural biology to be
programmed like computers EO 14081
EO echoes “hackable humans” concept from Yuval
Noah Harari
Biden’s transhumanist EO 14081 oddly echoed the
concept of hackable humans promoted by Israeli
intellectual Yuval Noah Harari.
“Today, we have the technology to hack human beings
on a massive scale,” said Harari, a lead advisor for the
World Economic Forum (WEF). “Everything is being
digitalized [and] monitored.”
According to Harari, the pandemic serves as a chance to
bring hackable humans closer to reality thanks to the
COVID-19 vaccines, which he branded as tools to
facilitate “surveillance under the skin.”
“The vaccine will help us, of course. It will make things
more manageable, [such as] surveillance. People could
look back in a hundred years and identify the [COVID19]
pandemic as the moment when a regime of
surveillance took over – especially surveillance under
the skin,” he said.
“This ability to hack human beings, to go under the
skin, collect biometric data, analyze it and understand
people better than they understand themselves … is the
most important event of the 21st century.”
WEF claims that “billions” who obeyed lockdowns and
mask mandates will also comply with new globalist
“social credit scheme”
Meanwhile: The new inflation data showed a deeply troubling
increase: Core inflation was 6.3 percent in August, up
from 5.9 percent in July; the Dow plunged a staggering
1,200 points on the news that inflation had only barely
slowed down to 8.3 percent.

But at any rate these quality thoughts on how #ItsOkayToBeWhite are 100%
of monetary cost. We never will have the Shekel Cup out for donations.

It amazes us that the White Race has fallen this far this fast. Mind boggling.
But bottom comes -- then we can build upon Firm footings of family and
#Border #BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals
#MakeAmericaSafeAgain #StopTheInvasion
#WhiteRights #WhiteCulture
#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#Nationalists #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #honestpayhonestwork #LifeNotDeath #LiberalismIsDead #Autarky #Freedom #respect #honor #dignity #loyalty #duty #right #frugality #dedication #courage
#nation #national #nationalism #nationalist #nationalists #nationstate #nationalismislove #nationalismislife #nation4life #nationsarepeoples #peoplesarenations #family4nation
#justprice #justdue #justplace #familyoffamilies #honestwork #honestpay #honestgovernment #honestelections #goodwagesforthecommongood #commongoodoverselfishinterests #commongood #breakthebondsofusury #publicbank #publiccredit #jobsforcitizensonly #onepeopleinoneland #onelawonewayoflife #truefreedom #realliberty


Start out with a story about keeping power against all odds!

GOP Leftist Way Travelers

The GOP media inspired world view was custom
crafted like a product. It is a coupling of capitalism,
Marxism and Freud. It is a tool of the elite. It is utterly
liberal in all ways. Nothing about it is 'conservative' and
all beliefs its base have about being a 'conservative
force' are deluded.

This world view is custom crafted to destroy the west. It
is meant to give the Fem-fag-minority brigade victory
over Us. It is designed to ensure the defeat of
Traditionalist populist and nationalist forces by
internationalism using its two false 'arms' or parties
which are themselves relics from another time and

The system is keep in place by the PC 'cult' of equality
which has instilled fear of key words like 'racist',
'homophobe', and the like among the commons. In
effect they have by edict and without ANY LEGAL
POWER WHAT SO EVER 'banned' certain words from
the lexicon as if they are the authority to what we
should be saying or no

So let me set it right:
Almost all the "ism" and "obias" are pseudo-words
coined by COMMUNISTS or Freudian Fruitcakes,
whose work was paid for by Wall Street investor types
for the final purpose of flooding the first world with
third world people and thus to balkanize its population
so as to ensure control -- diversity means LESS
WHITES and more coloreds, minorities and the rest!

Now to the News:

In #UK And #US #Cuckservative Parties Pander To
#Diversity, Rebuff #White Base … A new Conservative cabinet is in charge of the United Kingdom—but it’s missing something. None of the top ministers are white men. Conservatives are celebrating their lack of white men as proof they love diversity more than the
Labour Party. The same disturbing trend appears in our
own Republican Party, which spends more time fawning
over their token minorities than fighting for the people
who actually vote for them.

If neither party wants to stand up for whites, then what
good are they? They serve the real rulers!

Like SO:

Facebook Spied On Private Messages Of "Conservative
Right-Wing Individuals", Then Reported To FBI For
Domestic Terrorism …
#JudeoBolshevism IE COMMUNISM IS HERE!

Communism and FOOD SHORTAGES – The End Of Cheap Food. Global food production rests on soil and rain. Robots
don't change that. The era of cheap food is
ending, for a variety of reasons.

God Bless Nationalist Fam.

Your own Faith and Courage are your best last resort!
But at any rate these quality thoughts on how #ItsOkayToBeWhite are 100%
of monetary cost. We never will have the Shekel Cup out for donations.
It amazes us that the White Race has fallen this far this fast. Mind boggling.
But bottom comes -- then we can build upon Firm footings of family and
#Border #BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals
#MakeAmericaSafeAgain #StopTheInvasion
#WhiteRights #WhiteCulture
#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity
#Nationalists #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #Autarky #Freedom #respect #honor #dignity #loyalty #duty #right #frugality #dedication #courage
#nation #honestwork #honestpay #honestgovernment #honestelections #commongood #breakthebondsofusury #publicbank #publiccredit

FIFTH CIRCUIT COURT Busts A Cap into online censorship, KHAZARi$tocracy wreeling!#YouWILLobeyTheConstitutionGlobali$tKO$$ACK$

GeOPapi$t$ FEEEEEEL they can, through great and sacrificial acts of submission, come to terms with the totalitarian left and their (((globali$t))) owner$. It didn’t work for Neville Chamberlain and it ain’t gonna work for them!
#7.62ballotInitiative #”vote”fromTheHousetops #AR15for{resident

87% OF CUCK$ervative$/Fake”RIGHT”is - what a $hocker - PAPI$T!

Humans come as 'collectives' of A FAMILY GROUP of a MALE AND FEMALE ... that is the MINIMUM GROUP That will survive in nature ... And SURVIVAL not RIGHTS is the basis for real life! #truth #whiteness #power #BOLSHEVIKS #COMMUNISTS #PURGES

Liberal Materialism demands a MAGICAL SINGLE PERSON that came from the clouds with RIGHTS to even be valid ... NO SUCH PERSON EVER EXISTED!

#Nationalists #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans
#Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family

THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO - As In Nfucking0 - way The Republic, The West, nor any one in it will be saved by continuing to follow and listen to the lies of the Roman CULT.

Biden has declared The #GOP's #WHITE BASE to be Terrorists; the border is WIDE OPEN; and what is the MOST IMPORTANT Thing to the #ZIONIST #ANTIWHITE Traitors in DC?
Zionist Satanists Antichrist Murders of God, Sodomites and Diversity.

GOP are controlled opposition for the #CRT #COMMUNIST WHO OWN THE #USA! Color Blindness is a boomer condition not a virtue! Life is found by rejecting this silly nonsense. One Human Race is a Marxist LIE!

We shall over come this spiritual blindness and come back into the LIGHT!

We shall win Lambs!
God Wills It!

Never Doubt We have already won ... merely the motions remain to be played out ...
From the Stygian Shore near hard on Hades Abode have
We fought Our way to the very faintest sight of Light.
Not easy shall We be pushed back down that hill into
the infernal abyss. No we shall fight every step both
ways; since life itself is a struggle.

Forward; Advance; ALL OF YOU must hold and push
them back or we shall be set back to cultural darkness
and spiritual poverty.
In my dreams?

Oh lambs you are all in homes around hearths
passing down good solid heritages based on the
Germanic/Roman/Greek Western History ... Bright
White Eyes learning math, science, logic, dogma and
ethics ... Hard working hands producing honestly the
necessaries of life, all in all, WHITE FOR WHITE.

But as I was saying ... In my deepest dreams ...

You are all living in communities with a commonality
of CULTURE living lives of meaning based on your
Family and Races best Good ... not merely rats in a
flood fighting for scraps. You are men of honor and
women of virtue.

You are all free of fear of Usury living in a system that
values hard work and savings over get rich schemes.
Yes we have some real dreams ... but we must topple the
ZOG for this sleeper to awaken to a new reality.

You are a threat to 'random unnamed abstract nouns'
power ... No you are a threat to the JEWS POWER!

Who owns the media and money: Jews!
Media: You Whites are a threat.
ME: A threat to whom?
Who is calling you a threat?
The Media and the Money Powers?

Who control those functions of power in this modern
PC diversity color blind anti-White death cult?
Can we say: It is the JEWS ... Cuz it is the JEWS!
Why dance around it?
Why does saying it direct make folks so
POWER ... the power they dare not name ... I call out
the Antichrist Servants of Evil ...Enemy of all Goodness.

The murderers of Christ and the ENEMY OF GOD's

Life is found by rejecting this silly nonsense.

These decayed demons OWN FOX and all the OTHER WESTERN

Does not matter which outfit ... They control the
content and character of the reporting in all instances.

Say it: IT IS THE JEWS who promote this VILE
MEDIA who hates my values, my person, and my very

Is it on the TV or in print? It it allowed at all on so call
social media?

They DID THAT! Or at the very least it is to their
advantage to ALLOW that for now!
They Control the settings of your reality if you
consume their media as 'truth'.
The Media is #AntiWhite #AntiMale #AntiChrist!
Are you a WHITE MALE?

Then everything they say is meant to demoralize and
demonize YOU son, you personally!
REJECT IT in toto!

That is a false HOPE!

Your own Faith and Courage are your best last resort!
But at any rate these quality thoughts on how #ItsOkayToBeWhite are 100%
of monetary cost. We never will have the Shekel Cup out for donations.
Never. It amazes us that the White Race has fallen this far this fast. Mind boggling. But bottom comes -- then we can build upon Firm footings of family and folk. #Border #BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals #MakeAmericaSafeAgain #StopTheInvasion #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture #WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity #EthnoState #Nationalists #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans #Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteSurvival #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #honestpayhonestwork #LifeNotDeath #LiberalismIsDead #Autarky #Freedom #respect #honor #dignity #loyalty #duty #right #frugality #dedication #courage #nation #national #nationalism #nationalist #nationalists #nationstate #nationalismislove #nationalismislife #nation4life #nationsarepeoples #peoplesarenations #family4nation #justprice #justdue #justplace #familyoffamilies #honestwork #honestpay #honestgovernment #honestelections #goodwagesforthecommongood #commongoodoverselfishinterests #commongood #breakthebondsofusury #publicbank #publiccredit #jobsforcitizensonly #onepeopleinoneland #onelawonewayoflife #truefreedom #realliberty

The Border is the real war; but it is not being fought.

Our Thoughts on some maps with a bunch of free form mental poetry.

The Survival of my kind is the highest law.

God Bless.

Proper Reply: Some might think these proposed measures too brutal and barbaric - the same ones that ignore the tens of thousands of ODs and crime deaths slaughtering Americans every year because we allow criminals to flood across the border, set up networks and poison our people with lethal drugs. The bandito cartels should certainly be drone-striked and so should the Big Pharma Vaxx cartels that also poisoned multitudes of Americans. Empowered evil forces are on the offensive everywhere and no one is willing or able to fight back against them. What you propose truly needs to be part of the public conversation.

#BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals #MakeWhitesSafeAgain

Good to have you back!!! You are welcomed & needed at!

Marching Looting Kangz the II Proclaims .... You be racist n sheeiiit!

Oh Noes ... I be EBIL ... Lardy Help Me ... Sheeeit!


We love mocking fools:

Here be the words of the head nibba in charge.

I value myself in the basis of my character. I’ve
chosen to work hard in life. I have chosen to
become an educated person. I choose to be antiracism,
anti-xenophobia, and anti-homophobia.
I also value your humanity. However, I do not
respect you or people like you.
You have committed the most grievous sin
possible. You have sadly squandered whatever
God-given gifts you may have had on sloth, anger,
hatred, ignorance, and envy.

(Well Sheeit ... I feel chastised.)
#Diversity is a #DeathCult
#CRT is #Colorblind is #AntiWhite #RaceHate For Whites!
#Tolerance is for panda sissy men!

Today in how do they hate you my white lambs ...
They hate you!
Let us start there: They hate you!
You exist and you are WHITE!
8% of the Black Electorate voted for Trump in
2020. That's what pandering and colorblind
blabbering earns you as a Conservative. The real
question is, whether they do it to win over votes
with the minorities, or if it's solely to appease their
misguided base, which also subscribes to an Anti-
White Rhetoric - Just as their sworn enemies
would want.

Because White people refused to take their own
group's side we are losing it all. This is what
happens when you believe that retarded shit about
all one race and racism is bad bullshit. The other
races DON'T believe that and are playing a team
sport, consciously or subconsciously.

Colorblind Conservatives are given no pause by
the fact that their denial of the biological reality of
race - demonstrable all the way down to bone
structure and DNA - puts them in the same box as
the most woke progressive shitlibs on Earth.
"They happen to be right about race, but they're
wrong about sex," say Colorblind Conservatives,
as they re-Tweet 'Caitlyn Jenner' and 'Blaire White'
to bolster their stance, blissfully unaware that they
look exactly as ridiculous denying race as the bluehaired
genderclowns look denying sex.

Luckily Whites are waking up
And our identity is being triggered
Colorblind meritocracy is over
It's very simple, really. I want people to see
someone stand up and say out loud:

This crap is Anti-White.
They hate me because I'm White.
They hate you because you're White.
You need to face that reality if you're going to deal
with that reality.

Cucks but what about MLK

Every time you appeal to #MLK, you appeal to
someone who, as a matter of historical fact, was a
handpuppet for literal Communists who were
working to infiltrate every American institution - and