Our White Lives Matter | God Will Not Be Mocked | ZOG DOOMED https://www.bitchute.com/video/Y0Ss5tYph9bV/

The Truth Must Come Forth: We Matter; God Will not Be MOCKED; and ZOG IS DOOMED.
Those are the hard truths.
Today we discuss how you never apologize to these #antiWhite shit birds on the left!
If they demand an apology offer more offense and be more vile to them!
For they hate thee and will seek your doom no matter if you say their lies or not.
But for all this you can choose to die in Truth and not be partaker of their land of lies!
It is OKAY to be WHITE: Truth. #ItsOkayToBeWhite
Now to the News of the World:

Oakland announced a program that offers poor minority families $500 a month. Poor white families are excluded for the sin of being white. However, illegal aliens qualify.

SO the system has decided that BECAUSE on average WHITES MAKE MORE the 10k poor Whites should get nothing.
This is pure hate analogous to what the Bantu did in South Africa to the poor Whites.

Welcome to #Wakanda ...

This all comes after Disney apologized for having a
Native American dance routine performed by a drill
team ...The drill team from Port Neches-Groves High
School in Port Neches, Texas—known as the
“Indianettes”—drew outrage for its performance at
Magic Kingdom Park in Walt Disney World this
week, which featured drill team members
performing movements criticized for perpetuating
racial stereotypes against Native Americans while
chanting, “Scalp ‘em, Indians, scalp ‘em.”
More Rubbing your face in it:
George Floyd remembered in new choral work ... The piece, titled "A Knee on the Neck," begins with... He Can't Breeb ... Stop doing dope BOY!
The West Is All Bark, No Bite ... An empire of Lies!
How the false Russian biolab story came to circulate among the U.S. far right ... Under questioning by Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., Nuland affirmed that Ukraine has "biological research facilities" ... Gee I wonder.
Twitter Censors Breitbart’s John Nolte over
Levine Joke. He is the latest in a growing
group of prominent conservative commentators
who have been censored by Twitter this week for
drawing attention to Levine’s real gender. IE For saying a DUDE is in fact a DUDE!
The Truth must be said here:
Richard exists -- Rachel is a LIE! He is a Man in a dress with his junk cut off not a FEMALE OR WOMAN OF ANY KIND!
He is a Transvestite with his trunk junked but he is not a female only a #transvestite.

We Whites with Pride and sense have no real representation, and more and more no country left to be loyal to as the #ZOG consumes the #ANGLOSphere and leaves behind a #Gulag fit for slaves not a Government for #Free Men.

#Nationalists #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans #Europeans #Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community

Avian Flu & Self Spreading Vaccines | Globalist Judases | Hollywood on the Attack https://www.bitchute.com/video/OAcB8QgLCg6Z/

Avian flu is infecting U.S. poultry flocks. It could affect the price of chicken, too ... A highly contagious and lethal bird flu strain is
spreading across parts of the U.S.

Scientists Developing “Contagious Vaccines” That Can Spread From Vaccinated To Unvaccinated Groups of scientists are currently developing ‘contagious vaccines’ for Ebola, bovine tuberculosis, and Lassa fever, a viral disease spread by rats.
The scientists are also planning to expand their studies to other zoonotic diseases including rabies, West Nile virus, Lyme disease, and the plague.

The vaccines use cytomegalovirus a group that belongs to the herpes family. once infected with the virus, your body retains the virus for life.

Yeah but take your BOOSTERS PLEBS!

Okay then:

Our Elites Need To Recognize That America's
"Unipolar Moment" Is Over the United States should become a “normal country” not pursuing a
“mystical mission” that reached beyond the
Constitutional requirement to protect the nation's
vital national security interests.

Climate change, diversity, and equity: it’s ALL an scam ... left-wing
extremists, after running into roadblocks with
Congress, are now trying to push their evil
agendas through the private sector.
“They tend to come in three-letter acronyms: ESG
DEI, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; CSR,
Corporate Social Responsibility ...

“There are three-letter acronyms that word salad
that are designed to hide the essence of what is
going on, which is using corporate power to get
done through the backdoor, what could not get
done through the front door in our political

Calling it “the defining scam of our time,”
... America’s three largest asset managers as being complicit. They
are State Street, Vanguard, and BlackRock, which
together manage more than $20 trillion.
“That’s more than the GDP of the of the UNITED STATES ... Same bunch that own our dumb rum dummy resident in cheif.

And in other news: ‘Black Lives Matter’ Accused of ‘Clear Violation of IRS Rules,’ Charity Status Reportedly at Risk

Biden says of Putin: 'For God's sake, this man
cannot remain in power' "This battle will not be won in days or months either. We need to steel ourselves for the long fight
ahead," Biden said.
Consumer Sentiment Sinks as Hope Crashes and
Inflation Expectations Hit Four-Decade High ... You are more broke and workig harder.


So we are looking at Food Shortages, Communist Committees hunting for Conservatives, and a complete lack of leadership to get us out of this mess. Why? Well lets start with Both Parties being in the pocket of #AIPAC and the CHI-COMS among other 'big donors' who rent their services. We further are ruled not by our elected government but by a shadow cabal that put RESIDENT BIDEN INTO THE WHITE HOUSE LIKE A TOILET. He was installed not elected.

So the Communists mean to make you poor small and quiet by making you desperate hungry and afraid!

Rise up, cower not. Be of brave countenance. #GodWins! #DeusVult.

To the News:

Bidenflation: DOUBLE DIGIT INFLATION for Lunch Items as Workers Return to Offices ...
making lunch at home is also more
expensive with an inflation rate of nearly ten percent.
Either way the report adds, wages are not keeping up with inflation so workers are falling further behind.

Pay More and HAVE LESS: Be happy or else!

Let this soak:

Americans will have to pay the price for economic sanctions levied against Russia.

Why wouldn't Russia Pay?

Well don't think about that ...

Joe Biden warns of looming food shortages coming to America as occupying regime commits economic suicide

The, criminally-installed "fake” president Joe Biden is now warning about food shortages coming to America. “With regard to food shortages. Yes, we did talk about food shortages. And, and it’s gonna be real.”

While China buys up American farmland, we may run out of food
A country needs food, water and energy ,,, our leaders are compromising all three ...
The Build Back Better agenda ... did not suggest any concern at all about
Americans having enough to eat or could afford enough heating fuel to keep from freezing to death over
the winter.

So what is coming if they get their way?

In 2022 – 2025, we are going to see:
Food riots
Mass looting of grocery retailers
Increased theft of food from individuals and businesses
Food RATIONING efforts by the government
Food price controls in certain cases, leading to
worsening shortages

Those who don’t own food — and those whose assets
are kept in dollars — Many will die from the
resulting violence.

We know that because the president of the United States
just told us that on camera. So, what it this going to
mean? How do food shortages affect the country? Well,
if you're interested, go online and read about it. All of
recorded history will answer your question. A food
shortage is not like deciding to skip dessert. It's not a
diet. It's not voluntary. A food shortage is different. It's
scary. Food shortages topple governments. They turn
moderates into revolutionaries.

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Grow vegies/herbs , raise meat , prep, can, stock up

The 'great reset'

Goyim will own nothing and be happy

Food Shortages expected | Societal Collapse Coming | Communist Committees and Credit Scores https://www.bitchute.com/video/MQqa8maaE2qv/

Meanwhile: Biden met with US paratroopers in Poland and told
them the US is fighting for democracy like we have here
in the United States where they use the justice system to
target and harass opposition leaders, they hold political
prisoners a mile from the White House, and they stuff
the ballot boxes with fraudulent votes.

And those the Starvation does not kill the Deep State will jail, harass and enslave in the name of Democracy and Freedom:

Jan. 6 committee faces a thorny challenge: Persuading
the public to care

The House Jan. 6 committee has tried to recruit
high-profile journalists to write its report about the
attack on the Capitol, hoping to build a narrative
thriller that compels audiences and is a departure
from government reports of yore.
And they want to put together blockbuster televised hearings that the public actually tunes into, according to people with
knowledge of the process who spoke on the
condition of anonymity to speak candidly.

Democrats are widely expected to have a tough
time in the upcoming midterm election

...the Jan. 6 committee’s mandate ...
a tool to bolster support Legal action against Conservatives.

Committee staffers have interviewed writers to
assist with the task of turning
hundreds of thousands of pages of evidence into an
accessible narrative ,,,

“We do not want a bureaucrat to write this report
but rather a historian or a journalist — or someone
who writes and can tell a story in a compelling way
committee wants it to include gripping testimony
and quotes, along with starring roles for key
players in the events leading up to and on Jan. 6,

But unlike the Mueller report, the Jan. 6 committee’s narrative
work will not be bound by the same constraints
faced by the Justice Department — giving them more room to produce compelling reading.

Jan. 6 Committee Claims Its ‘Digital Watergate’ Is
Above The Law The Jan. 6 Committee claims to be above the law as it
executes a digital Watergate demanding supporter data
from the RNC.

Nancy Pelosi’s ,, claimed open pursuit of opposition records in what is
being called a modern-day “digital Watergate” ” is above
the law.

Nothing to see!

False Facts, Deadly Diversity, Living Lower: They Hate You Lambs! They hate You! https://www.bitchute.com/video/UTQnXdxuTInK/

We live in a land of LIES! The Truth is the Weapon of Choice against the false beliefs and fake narratives of our Demonic Common Enemies of ALL MAN KIND.

The TRUTH: They hate God, You and all things pure noble and just! They hate you to the bone because you reflect their own abomination back at them. Your very existence makes them aware of their lesser status. You cannot 'tolerate' or compromise enough. Truth is the Death Cult Called Diversity Wants You Gone!

They hate your freedoms, they hate your very existence: You are not bound to them at all. They hate you so much they allow the crime against you and enable it based on White Guilt mamba that is pure evil voodoo hoodoo silly sally nonsense.
You do not have to tolerate the lies the evil, the hate.

You can end this!

You can at any time meet, organize and abolish this evil system!

All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.

Any Government that does not do that needs altered abolished or amended ... Full STOP

Now to the News:

Facebook admits the truth: ‘Fact checks’ are really just (lefty) opinion ...

Free speech be damned.

Tuesday, March 22,
2022, at the location where the body of Linda Frickey
was recovered after she was carjacked and dragged to
her death a day earlier in New Orleans. -- Drug to death like a dog!

Nonviolent Jan. 6 Loving Family Man
Loses Everything as He Rots in DC Gulag for Over a Year Now ... He is not accused of committing any violence nor did he
have any prior knowledge of the events that unfolded
that day, yet he has been denied bond multiple times for
13 months. His unlawful incarceration has caused him
to lose his house and has split up his family—including
his wife, five children, and four grandchildren—into
several different homes. ...

(Man's) daughter, now seven years old, has not seen her
daddy in over a year! She is having frequent
“meltdowns”, she blames herself. She cries all the time,
afraid that she will never see her daddy again. For some
reason she blames herself for the arrest of her father. If
she had just behaved better, tried harder this wouldn’t
have happened.
She is taking all of the blame on her little shoulders.

Yeah they fucking Hate You!

The Real ‘Reset’ Is Coming
The prophets of the new world order sowed the wind
and they will soon reap the whirlwind of an angry
public worn out by elite incompetence, arrogance, and

Yes a Nationalist One that will push Diversity Tolerance and Equality into the Sewer of History from whence it shall never return!

Diversity is a Death Cult!
Tolerance is Timidity in the face of the ENEMY!
And equality does not exist being the FIRST LIE AMONG ALL THE LIES OF THE LAND OF LIBERAL LIES ... Reject the LIE ... Live the TRUTH!

IF YOU KNEW What Your “Leaders” & (((those who own them))) did in their spare time, you would never buy another movie, vote for, bank or shop with them again.#KHAZARi$tocracy

THERE IS NO REAL CONFLICT When Both Sides worship the same Earth/bitch…gynocentric spiritualism is what it is!


Listen and Hear!

Come and Hear all you who would know the truth!

The goal of this post is to raise awareness on the sick
perversions and corruption running deep in the Biden
Family & the political/showbizz world.

Sexual photos of minors were found on the laptop of
Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden, Donald Trump’s lawyer
Rudy Giuliani told Newsmax TV on Tuesday (October
20). “There is sexual depravity in all of this, it is
disgusting” According to Trump’s attorney, Hunter
Biden wrote to his father that his (then) wife Hallie
Olivere was accusing him of inappropriate behavior
with minors. She didn’t like Hunter talking naked on
Facetime with a 14-year-old girl whose name was
deliberately withheld in the correspondence. (Yes
because Hunter flirted with his brother’s wife…)
The attorney notes that in addition to these messages,
“numerous photos of minors” were found on the hard
drive of Hunter Biden’s computer. The lawyer also adds
that he sent all documents to the police in the US state
of Delaware.
So here what what inside Hunter’s Laptop: ( please
note we don”t have all the videos/photos available
yet. )
While the device became illustrious for providing
alleged evidence of the Biden family’s corrupt
transactions in Ukraine and China ... it also contained a lot of sensitive and even
top secret data, such as the names and email addresses
of Secret Service agents who protected Joe Biden when
he was US Vice President.

The hardwares, none of which has been encrypted or
protected by anything as basic as two-factor
authentication, includes:
Joe Biden’s personal cell phone number and three
private email addresses as well as the names of his
Secret Service agents;
The cell phone numbers of former President Bill
Clinton, his wife Hillary Clinton and almost everyone in
former President Barack Obama’s cabinet; A database
of 1,500 people including actress Gwyneth Paltrow,
Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, former presidential
candidate John Kerry and former FBI boss Louis Freeh;
Personal documents including Hunter Biden passport,
driver’s license, social security card, credit cards and
bank statements; Details of Hunter Biden’s drug
problems and sexual deviance, including $ 21,000 spent
on a “live cam” pornographic website and “selfies” of
him engaging in sex acts and smoking crack cocaine;
Contact database.

About a third of the explicit photos of minors on Hunter
Biden’s laptop were of the same 14-year-old girl –who
is a close relative (his niece Natalie Biden)
But also Ashley Biden (his sister), Caroline Biden (his

Incest, Pedophilia, Rape: Biden Crime Family Corruption | Laptops Lies and Liberal Lunacy! https://www.bitchute.com/video/J7KO2efvJymp/

There is a link to some of the contents of Hunters Laptop ...


The goal of this post is to raise awareness on the sick
perversions and corruption running deep in the Biden
Family & the political/showbizz world.

Sexual photos of minors were found on the laptop of
Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden, Donald Trump’s lawyer
Rudy Giuliani told Newsmax TV on Tuesday (October
20). “There is sexual depravity in all of this, it is
disgusting” According to Trump’s attorney, Hunter
Biden wrote to his father that his (then) wife Hallie
Olivere was accusing him of inappropriate behavior
with minors. She didn’t like Hunter talking naked on
Facetime with a 14-year-old girl whose name was
deliberately withheld in the correspondence. (Yes
because Hunter flirted with his brother’s wife…)
The attorney notes that in addition to these messages,
“numerous photos of minors” were found on the hard
drive of Hunter Biden’s computer. The lawyer also adds
that he sent all documents to the police in the US state
of Delaware.
So here what what inside Hunter’s Laptop: ( please
note we don”t have all the videos/photos available
yet. )
While the device became illustrious for providing
alleged evidence of the Biden family’s corrupt
transactions in Ukraine and China ... it also contained a lot of sensitive and even
top secret data, such as the names and email addresses
of Secret Service agents who protected Joe Biden when
he was US Vice President.

The hardwares, none of which has been encrypted or
protected by anything as basic as two-factor
authentication, includes:
Joe Biden’s personal cell phone number and three
private email addresses as well as the names of his
Secret Service agents;
The cell phone numbers of former President Bill
Clinton, his wife Hillary Clinton and almost everyone in
former President Barack Obama’s cabinet; A database
of 1,500 people including actress Gwyneth Paltrow,
Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, former presidential
candidate John Kerry and former FBI boss Louis Freeh;
Personal documents including Hunter Biden passport,
driver’s license, social security card, credit cards and
bank statements; Details of Hunter Biden’s drug
problems and sexual deviance, including $ 21,000 spent
on a “live cam” pornographic website and “selfies” of
him engaging in sex acts and smoking crack cocaine;
Contact database.

About a third of the explicit photos of minors on Hunter
Biden’s laptop were of the same 14-year-old girl –who
is a close relative (his niece Natalie Biden)
But also Ashley Biden (his sister), Caroline Biden (his

Wages TOO Low; Pay White Man Wages -- in fact only SCUM BAGS DISAGREE WITH THIS ... think wages are OKAY in here? Then you are EITHER STUPID OR A SCUM BAG! That means you fuck head!

#GOP are Carpetbaggers Low Ballers that want to pay you the same as SPICS!

Reject #Diversity #DeathCult Vote #White https://www.bitchute.com/video/4iLvavrx3qTS/

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Uploaded it to JoshwhoTV yet ?

Curtius Simplus
3 years ago

No soon

Wages TOO Low; Pay White Man Wages https://www.bitchute.com/video/4iLvavrx3qTS/

If you can’t pay Honest Wages you have NO business
calling yourself an Honest Employer!
There is a lot of talk on the Left and Right about
workers hourly wages. ‘Too High’, says that one. ‘They
have it too easy’, pines this one.

Let them get a clue, what it is to be born into working
rural squalor. Let them get a glimpse of the reality of
having to make HARD choices like food or medicine,
but not both. Let them deny themselves all the things
they say are ‘wasteful’ when the poor want them – like
dental and visual care, like housing that is in a safe
clean area, like schools that are not jungles, like jobs
that pay the bills with something left to go into savings!
Let them defend themselves while living in an urban
jungle reaping the rewards of tolerating diversity
lowering their wage as it also engulfs their community
in crime, squalor and barbarism of all kinds.
Fact is that wages as an aggregate whole have NOT
advanced for middle and working class (the real middle
class) folks since about Ronnie Raygun and over all
have been FLAT since about the Great Society IE ‘65
ish or so, for Working Class People doing 'entry' level
factory and other manual labor jobs.
Some of the more deluded think we working folk need
no minimum wage or any other labor protections –
workers had it too easy in the Gilded Age – in theory
they assert that a person’s labor (even their life) has NO
value, nor does their quality of life, at, before or after
work matter unless somebody is PAYING for that
time... Basically they think we are all slaves who are
privileged to be paid for any wage at all for any day’s
worth of work, even if it kills us, and if it does kill us
we should have NO legal recourse against our money
masters. They think that workers should be grateful to
the wealth creators for their pitiful wage since 'nobody
has ANY right to anything', nobody that works for a
wage that is, nobody except the wealth creators of
course, who rightfully have everything – Duh.
And these sorts of carpetbagger trash wonder why the
working and middle class hate, nay loathe, them.
Reality Check:
Ya See here in reality the 'minimum wage' is a Slave
Wage... It barely pays for the serfs to live physically
much less actually have a LIFE that has ANY
MEANING – working for unloyal soulless ‘wealth
creators’ meaning in life does not bring.

Pay White Man Living Wages!

Think that is 'TOO High'? If so We suggest you either
Live on this amount or that you are so high up the air is
too thin for proper thinking to occur!
.... these
are Slavery level wages by any other name especially
when a persons health care is tied to these peon jobs. It
is degraded that 'the greatest nation in the world'
depends upon such low paid laborers.
Banana Republic like in fact. It is SHAMEFUL that we
have Citizens that work at these third world wages.
Facts are facts.

charlie brownau
3 years ago

The same people bitching about higher min wage never want to remove

State forced GST/VAT
State forced working conditions
state forced time off
State forced sick pay
State forced holidays

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Are wages too low or shit cost too much

Being a Papi$t, of course you’re all about unions!

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Unions work against Workers and Working class, they work for the STATE, the corporations and the big industry

Curtius Simplus
3 years ago

Pay White Man Wages!

TRUE CONSERVATISM ABOUT WHITES https://www.bitchute.com/video/JPpUfjRdsY6a/

Magic is for Children not for Nations of Grown Men

True Conservatism is about ensuring OUR People
survive to enjoy the use of Our own land, under Our
own laws, by the lights of Our own culture. True
conservatism is based on a singular Nation in a land,
and is NOT universal, at all, but particular and unique.

#GodWins #GodWillNotBeMocked #DeusVult #WarOnTerror #White #FakeNarratives #Nationalists #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Christianity and CONSERVATISM offer nothing to

CONSERVATISM only conserves the STATUS QUO and the STATE POWER systems

right wing, Christianity and CONSERVATISM is not
pro white

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Praying or Jewbus isnt the solution
Direct Action
Community and Commonity

Christianity is another invention/creation of Jews

The Roman CULT cares about who and what-ever gives it more money and power. That is its modus operendi and why it whored out to the (((globali$t))) left in 1954, and why it’s not to be trusted for anything other than a quaint but archaic curiosity.

#HotCro$$edEarthBitchWor$hip #Gynocentric$pirituali$m #Veldt$chtaat