Modern Prophecy regarding the United States

Be careful with people who call themselves "prophets". If what they say doesn't align with biblical Scripture, then it did not come from God. Use discernment and proceed with caution.

Blessings Full
3 years ago

The Old Testament is The Father revealing Himself, while pointing to The Son. The New Testament is The Son revealing Himself while pointing to The Father, also fulfilling the Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament in Himself. The Letters[1] are The Father and The Son revealing themselves as One, even as the Word of God is one, with The Letters being the culmination of the whole... Not separate, but one.

Therefore, to reject any part of
The Lord’s Word is to reject the whole...

The three books are one...

One on-going testament to God’s glory.,_Our_God_and_Savior#YAHUWAH_Is_One.3B_And_His_Word.2C_One

Blessings Full
3 years ago

Beloved, this Word, even every Volume to every Letter, is the Word of My glory which I have put forth once again; a testament of My love and sacrifice, the announcement of My coming, a proclamation of truth, revelation of who I really am - the Trumpet Call of God, so all those called and chosen may hear and come to Me in their proper time and season.
Behold, it is also a strong correction for all those who have taken to themselves MY name and MY Word, to pollute it, a plumb line for this wicked generation. For this Word is a waving banner, an ensign to all nations! - A trumpet of alarm and war, the sound of recompense and judgment, which shall soon fall upon every nation!


The Only Begotten of The Father,
The One True God and Savior,
The Mashiach!…


Beloved, what are all these things of this world compared with your life? What is their worth? And what of all these works of man? Are they not passing away? Again I ask you, what is their value? I tell you the truth, whoever loves anything in this world, more than Me, is not worthy of Me.[3] For I am The Only Way, The Only Truth and The Only Life. There is nothing apart from Me.

Therefore come and follow Me,
For I am called Jesus The Christ...

My name: YahuShua HaMashiach...

The only name under Heaven
By which you must be saved.

excerpt from: