School choice gives parents greater leverage and influence over what their children are taught in school which means, they will be better able to shield their children from the lies and destructive ideologies that our academic institutions are imposing.

There has been a sizeable decline in DEI policies within the corporate industry, but a majority of human resource chiefs still plan to increase their DEI budgets.

So, when do the women start carrying razor sharp knives and scissors into the restrooms with them and begin cutting off dicks and balls?

So-called men of the cloth preaching and applauding blasphemy.

We shouldn’t at all be surprised that Muslims would do something like this since their sacred texts tells them to hate the Jews and even kill them: Here are just some of such passages from both the Quran and Hadiths:

(Surah 5:51, Sahih Bukhari Book 60; Hadith 121 or Vol. 4 Book 55;
Hadith 660, Sahih Bukhari Book 56,
Hadith 139 or Vol. 4, Book 52, Hadith 177)

If people of faith are demanded to affirm and celebrate anything that goes against the dictates of their respective faith and conscience, then they are no longer free to devote themselves to their respective faith as they see fit.

Only when people of faith are not required to affirm that which their faith condemns can they be truly free to live in accordance to their respective faith.

What ever happened to the customer being in charge of his own money?